Kris Allen live like we re dying! Sometimes we fall down and can't get back up we're hiding behind skin that's too tough how come we don't say I love you enough till it's to late, it's not too late Our hearts are hungry for a food that won't come we could make a feast from these crumbs and we're all staring down the barrel of a gun so if your life flashed before you what would you wish you would've done Yeah... gotta start lookin at the hand of the time we've been given here this is all we got and we gotta start pickin it every second counts on a clock that's tickin' gotta live like we're dying We only got 86 400 seconds in a day to turn it all around or throw it all away we gotta tell 'em that we love 'em while we got the chance to say gotta live like we're dying And if your plane fell out of the skies who would you call with your last goodbyes should be so careful who we live out our lives so when we long for absolution there'll no one on the line Yeah... gotta start lookin at the hand of the time we've been given here this is all we got and we gotta start pickin it every second counts on a clock that's tickin' gotta live like we're dying We only got 86 400 seconds in a day to turn it all around or throw it all away we gotta tell 'em that we love 'em while we got the chance to say gotta live like we're dying Like we're dying oh-- like we're dying [x2] We only got 86 400 seconds in a day to turn it all around or throw it all away we gotta tell 'em that we love 'em while we got the chance to say gotta live -- like we're dying We never know a good thing till it's gone you never see a crash until it's head on all those people right when we're dead wrong you never know a good thing till it's gone Yeah... gotta start lookin at the hand of the time we've been given here this is all we got and we gotta start livin it every second counts on a clock that's tickin' gotta live like we dying

Kris Allen live like we re dying! Sometimes we fall down and can't get back up we're hiding behind skin that's too tough how come we don't say I love you enough till it's to late, it's not too late Our hearts are hungry for a food that won't come we could make a feast from these crumbs and we're all staring down the barrel of a gun so if your life flashed before you what would you wish you would've done Yeah... gotta start lookin at the hand of the time we've been given here this is all we got and we gotta start pickin it every second counts on a clock that's tickin' gotta live like we're dying We only got 86 400 seconds in a day to turn it all around or throw it all away we gotta tell 'em that we love 'em while we got the chance to say gotta live like we're dying And if your plane fell out of the skies who would you call with your last goodbyes should be so careful who we live out our lives so when we long for absolution there'll no one on the line Yeah... gotta start lookin at the hand of the time we've been given here this is all we got and we gotta start pickin it every second counts on a clock that's tickin' gotta live like we're dying We only got 86 400 seconds in a day to turn it all around or throw it all away we gotta tell 'em that we love 'em while we got the chance to say gotta live like we're dying Like we're dying oh-- like we're dying [x2] We only got 86 400 seconds in a day to turn it all around or throw it all away we gotta tell 'em that we love 'em while we got the chance to say gotta live -- like we're dying We never know a good thing till it's gone you never see a crash until it's head on all those people right when we're dead wrong you never know a good thing till it's gone Yeah... gotta start lookin at the hand of the time we've been given here this is all we got and we gotta start livin it every second counts on a clock that's tickin' gotta live like we dying

Live Like We re Dying
Live every day as if we were dying
Sometimes we fall down and can't get back up
Sometimes we fall down and dare not get up
we're hiding behind skin that's too tough
It's unfortunate that we're numb
(to hide behind means to hide under; to be numb and expressionless
how come we don't say I love you enough
So why don't we say enough "I love you"
till it's to late,it's not too late
Until it's too late, no, it's not too late
Our hearts are hungry for a food that won't come
Our hearts are hungry for food that we can't get
we could make a feast from these crumbs
So why not make a feast with this little money
and we're all staring down the barrel of a gun
So we can put down our guns
so if your life flashed before you
So if your life flashes in front of you
what would you wish you would've done
What would you like to have done?
Yeah...gotta start
Yaeh ~ let's get started
lookin at the hand of the time we've been given here
Watch as these are given time that we can control
this is all we got and we gotta start pickin it
This is our time, and we can start to choose it freely
every second counts on a clock that's tickin'
The second hand on the clock kept ticking
gotta live like we're dying
Treat every day as the end of the day!
We only got 86 400 seconds in a day to turn it all around or throw it all away
We only have 86400 seconds a day to cherish or discard it
(turn around means to turn around, which means whether to cherish every day)
we gotta tell 'em that we love 'em
We're going to tell those people I love them
while we got the chance to say
If I could have such a chance
gotta live like we're dying
Treat every day as the end of the day
And if your plane fell out of the skies
If you're in an air crash (literally when your flight falls out of the air)
who would you call with your last goodbyes
Who will you call your last call and say goodbye to him?
should be so careful who we live out our lives
Can we be more careful when we're running around for life
so when we long for absolution
So we've been begging for redemption
there'll no one on the line
No one responded
Yeah...gotta start
Yaeh ~ let's get started
lookin at the hand of the time we've been given here
Watch as these are given time that we can control
this is all we got and we gotta start pickin it
This is our time, and we can start to choose it freely
every second counts on a clock that's tickin'
The second hand on the clock kept ticking
gotta live like we're dying
Treat every day as the end of the day!
We only got 86 400 seconds in a day to turn it all around or throw it all away
We only have 86400 seconds a day to cherish or discard it
(turn around means to turn around, which means whether to cherish every day)
we gotta tell 'em that we love 'em
We're going to tell those people I love them
while we got the chance to say
If I could have such a chance
gotta live like we're dying
Treat every day as the end of the day
Like we're dying oh-- like we're dying [x2]
It's like we're dying - like our doomsday is coming
We only got 86 400 seconds in a day to turn it all around or throw it all away
We only have 86400 seconds a day to cherish or discard it
we gotta tell 'em that we love 'em
We're going to tell those people I love them
while we got the chance to say
If I could have such a chance
gotta live like we're dying
Treat every day as the end of the day
We never know a good thing till it's gone
I didn't know it was a good thing until I lost it
you never see a crash until it's head on
You'll never see an airplane crash until you do
all those people right when we're dead wrong
When all the people die wrong, they are right
you never know a good thing till it's gone
I didn't know it was a good thing until I lost it
Yeah...gotta start
Yeah, I'm going to start
lookin at the hand of the time we've been given here
Watch as these are given time that we can control
this is all we got and we gotta start livin it
That's what we get, and we're going to start using it
every second counts on a clock that's tickin'
The second hand on the clock kept ticking
gotta live like we dying
Treat every day as the end of the day!
After translation, I realized that it was a little like cherishing time and cherishing the songs around me

English translation l'd like you to meet Mr.Li ,this is my friend.david lt's a pleasure to meet you, Mr.Li . Nice to meet you,too,David l enjoy your classes vety much and they are very interesting.l'm glad to hear it

Nice to meet you, Mr. Li. This is my friend, David
It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Li
Nice to meet you, too, David
I like your class very much. They are very interesting
I'm glad to hear that

But he took a long time to send The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts,but he took a long time to send them.Meanwhile ,the editor was getting impatient,for the magazine would soon go to press. The reporter immediately set out to verify these important facts, but after a long time did not see him send the figures. During this period, the editor was impatient because the magazine was about to go to press But he took a long time to send them

According to your understanding, it should have been sent, so as to conflict with that during this period, it should have not been issued, and after a long time, there will be the following in this period. After sending, there will be no period

What do schools in must I send our children to school?

To school prepositional phrases as object complements
If you have any questions, please ask

Send our for children to school we to ready their get future and life work the sooner the better

We send our children to school to get ready for their future life and work .
We send our children to school to prepare for their future life and work

English translation Help, prawns Translation 2

For remove
How long does it take sb

English translation It takes me 20 minutes to get to the hospital by bus It takes Mary 45 minutes to go to the park by bike

It takes me 20 minutes to go to the hospital by bus.
It takes Mary 45 minutes to go to the park by bike.

English translation Pepys and his wife had asked some friends to dinner on Sunday, September 2nd, 1666. The servants were up very late on the Saturday evening, getting everything ready for the next day, and while they were busy they saw the glow of a fire start in the sky.By 3 o'clock on the Sunday morning,the glow had become so bright that one of the servants, Jane,woke her master to see it.Pepys went to the window to watch it.It seemed fairly far away,so after a time he went back to bed.When he got up in the morning,it looked as though the fire was dying down, though he could still see it.So He set to work to tidy his room and put his things back where he wanted them after the servants had cleaned everything While he was doing this,Jane came in to say that she had heard that the fire was a bad one:three hundred houses had been burned down in the night and the fire was still burning.Pepys went out to see for himself.He went to the Tower of London and climbed up on a high part of the building so that he could see what was happening.From there, Pepys could see that it was,indeed,a bad fire and that even the houses on London Bridge were burning.Someone Told him that the fire had started in a baker's house in pumping lane, and then the flames had quickly spread to the other houses in the arrow lane.So began the Great Fire of London,a fire that lasted nearly five days, destroyed most of the old city and ended,so it is said,at Pie Corner. Don't use the translator. Score before Friday

Pepys and his wife asked some friends for dinner Sunday, September 2nd, 1666. The servants (MAIDS) were late on Saturday night, so that everything was ready. The next day, when they saw their busy fire in the sky. Three o'clock before Sunday morning, the glow had become very bright. A servant came, Jane, to wake her lord

English translation Maybe she's too busy to call you these days She ___ ___ too ____ to call you these days. Miss Li cam home and found that the gas was on Miss Li came home _____ _____ the gas ——————

I need some time to play and relax,don't I, Doctor?
She may be too busy to call you these days.
Miss Li came home and found the gas on.

We, to, goodbye, time, it, say, friends, to, is how to make a sentence?

It is time to say goodbye to our friends.