Some people think that money is more important than h__ .

Some people think that money is more important than h__ .

Health noun 'health'

Some people think that sending a 'trouble' kid

Some people think, send a problem child to
This did not finish, followed by the problem to send the children there
some people think that sending a 'trouble' kid to kindergarten is a good idea.

that people make deserts by doing bad things to the

Man only needs to hurt our earth to create deserts
It's not very accurate, but I think it's about environmental protection

They can swim.They live nere the rivers.They have sharp teeth.

Is there a wrong word, it should be they can swim.They live near the rivers.They have sharp teeth.
Is it crocodile

They can swim.They live near tivers.They What does "have sharp teeth"

They can swim, live by the river and have sharp teeth

Those people all live on small i___ and they make a living by fishing

Islands island is the plural number of islands___ It does not indicate that it is a singular noun, so use the plural
Those people all live on small islands, fishing for a living

The following is what people do in some countries

Here's what people do in some countries

in some countries the war is like a big,black cloud —— the people hanging over hanging out hanging with hanging up

hanging over
In some countries, war is like a big, dark cloud over people
Hope to adopt, thank you^

In some countries,people burn t______ to cook food.


Some people think the foreign English composition to talk about ideas and specific examples on the line 1.Some people think the foreign visitors should be charged more than the local visitors when they visit the cultural and historical attractions in another country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

First of all, you can talk about why those people think they want to restrain foreign tourists, and what are the reasons for their inhibition. Then you can also talk about the promotion effect of foreign tourists on the local economy. After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, you can talk about your own views, whether to restrict foreign tourists or not. Personally, I don't think it is necessary to restrict them. Since the scenic spots are open to the outside world, Why should we divide national boundaries? Besides promoting economic development, we can also let people from other countries look at their own culture. Why not,