People eat different things indifferent parts of the world.In some countries,people eat rice every

People eat different things indifferent parts of the world.In some countries,people eat rice every

Time 2. Vegatable 3. Also 4. Important 5. Only 6. Plants 7. Better
People eat different things in different parts of the world.In some countries,people eat rice every day.Sometimes they eat it two or three
t 1________ a day,for breakfast,lunch and supper.They usually eat it with meat,fish and 2v .The Japanese eat a lot of fish,and they a3________ eat a lot of rice.In some western countries such as Britain,Australia and the U.S.A,the most i 4________ food is bread or potatoes,which can be cooked in different ways.And some people eat o 5________ fruit and vegetables.They don’t eat meat or fish or anything that comes from animals.They eat only food from
p6 .Some people say that food from plants is b7________ for us than meat.

Some people think it is for girls

Some people think it's designed for girls

-( )some more people to do the work?-Yes,l think we do A.Do we need to ask for .B.Need we do ask for.C.Do we need ask for.D.Need we ask for Please tell me the correct answer and why you didn't choose the other three

The latter answer is do. If you use do to answer, you must use do to ask. B, D exclude
C, need to do
[the handsome wolf hunts the young]

Some people believe that water can be used up one day Some people believe that water can_____ ____ ____ Some day I want to fill in be run out, but after checking the data, run out is intransitive. Filling in run out of is not passive. What should I do

be used up

For example,some people waste a lot by _______ dirty water away and throwing rubbish rubbish into rivers and lakes A.pour B.pours C.pouring pour

C, pouring away and throwing are two actions in parallel

People have found some ways to get ___ (drink) water from sea water There is a reason

"Drink water" is an action;
While the gerund + the corresponding noun "drinking water" has become a noun, a combination noun; drinking modifies water meaning "drinking water"

What are some things that happen on soap opera? Translate, divide sentence structure What is the clause here? Whoever answers correctly first will be adopted

what are some things that happen on soap opera?
____________________ ()
fixing solution

What are some things that define a culture

i try:
well,there are many aspect of things that define a culture:historical custom ,policy,and so on.
ok,i admire that i do not fit for answer this question.

Some people like comrades, they think they are very interested


like chinese,some people in britain Like Chinese,some people in Britain or America like to invite friends to dinner at their homes.But this is more common in America__ 1__ in Britain.__ 2__ worry if your English friends don't invite you home.It doesn't mean that they__ 3__ you. When you are asked to an evening mean__ 4__ your friends what time you should __ 5__ .It is a good idea __ 6__ a small present when you arrive,and it is __ 7__ to say how much you like the house,the living room,__ 8__ the pictures on the wall.But don't ask how much these things__ 9__ . Do you remember all these things?It this way,__ 10__ you and your friends will have a pleasant time. 1 A and B then C than D or 2 A Not B Can't C Aren't D Don't 3 A don't like B unlike C like D know 4 A asked B ask C asking D asks 5 A arrive at B get to C arrive D arrive in 6 A bring B brings C taking D to take 7 A polite B worried C sad D wrong 8 A or B so C but D / 9 A spend B cost C take D pay 10 A all B neither C both D none

Absolutely right