A person I will never forget

A person I will never forget

A person I will never forget
Miss Li, my English teacher, is the person i will never forget.
She teaches me English everyday. It is she that gives parental care and guidance to me. It is she that lectures me how to eliminate virginity. I love her because she is my angel, my darling, my honey. She is not only my teacher but also an
dream woman to whom I masturbate.
It's a person I'll never forget. You should think about it yourself!

An English composition based on "a person I will never forget"

Lily is the person I will never forget.She was once my classmate.She was a good person.Though she was sometimes unpleasing,she was helpful and warmhearted.To our minds,she was a thoughtful person.She ...

I will never forget the days that we spent together in the country. I will never forget the days when we worked together in the country Why a similar sentence, why a that, a when?

In the first sentence, spend is a transitive verb, so the days is an object. That / which can be omitted. In the second question, work is an intransitive verb, so the days is an adverbial of time

I will never forget the days ________ I spent in the countryside. It should be which, why not when

Which I spend in the countryside is an adverb and cannot be used as an object of spend
I will never forget the days when I live in the countryside

I will never forget the days (when/that/which)we spent together.

It is right to fill in that or which or not
The day, we spend together is an attributive clause, in which spend is a transitive verb, which takes an object, but the clause has no more, so the clause lacks an object, and the antecedent is a thing, so you can fill in that or which or not, because when the relative pronoun is the object, it can be omitted

34.He will never forget the days _____ he spent in Japan.   A.when B.after C.that D.how I think he spent in Japan is a complete sentence, so it lacks the adverbial element and must use the relative adverb when instead of the relative pronoun!

What kind of days is it
It's not an adverbial

a day that you will never forget A day that you will never forget

A day I will never forget
It was a Sunday evening around 6 o'clock or so,one of the many Sunday evenings where I would cruise around with my father in the car.Though this wasn't just any ordinary Sunday sightseeing excursion with my dad.
We stopped at a red light,and without much enthusiasm observed the sidewalks.A woman,as she walked,fixed the white lacey gossamer slip of her dress.It dragged out of her skirt,obviously making her feel self-conscious.A short, stubby man with an overbearing gut was nonchalantly picking his nose as he ogle the lady adjusting her slip.He stared at her,as though undressing her with his eyes.
I looked at my father,who was looking right back at me.We both laughed.Being only five years old,I was at an age where I found everything hilarious.The very fact that my father and I were looking at the same scene and probably both thinking how perverted the man seemed made me laugh hysterically.
My dad continued to drive.I kept gazing at the scenery of the city,as the sun started to set and the darkness took over.Our little sightseeing trip was over,or so I thought.
I was so used to the same path we went through,that when my father made an unaccustomed turn,it made me suspicious.I refrained myself from asking
They stopped kissing; my dad started the car again and began to drive.As he was driving she whispered things into his ear,giggling and snickering inaudible words.They were oblivious to the fact that I was in the back seat watching them.I sat there pondering in amazement at what I had seen.She didn't look once towards the back seat, but she knew I was there watching them both and was insouciant.She just kept caressing my father.
"Honey sit in the back seat".My father ordered me.
I sat there impatiently waiting for this so-called "friend",getting bored as the minutes went by began to wander.My eyes traveled upon two squirrels chattering down a tree engaged in a game of tag.I pointed them out to my father laughing.

I will never forget the days that I spent with you.I hope we can see each other again some!

I will never forget the days I spent with you. I hope we can meet again

I will never forget the days that I spend with you. Why not use the past tense? Why?

Generally speaking, the past tense "spend" should be used. The days refers to the previous days
There is also a situation, these days, you are still together, not separated, you said to him, I will never forget these days with you often

Change is the only thing that will never change What's the meaning of this sentence translated into Chinese

Change / change is the only thing that never changes
Change is the only thing that will never change
Change alone will never change
I hope I can help you^^