A person I will never forget関連英語作文

A person I will never forget関連英語作文

A person I will never forget
Miss Li、my English teacher、is the person i will never forget.
She teaches me English everyday.It is she that gives parental care and gidance to me.It is she that lectures me how to eliminate virginity.I love her because she is my angel,my darling,myhotenit.share.shore.shore.shore.shore.share.shore.share.share.share.share.share.shore.share.share.share.share
dream woman to whom I masturbate.

“A person I will never forget”の英語で作文します。

Lily is the person I will neverforget.Shewas once myclassimate.Shewas a goodperson.Thoughshe was sometimes unplease、she was helpful andwarmheartd.Toour minds、she was a thoughtfulperson.She…

I will never forget the days that we spent together in the country. I will never forget the days when we workd together in the country どうして同じ文章ですか?なぜ1つのthat、1つのwhen?

固定語は関係語の重要な部分を見ます。先行語の代わりに、従属語の成分を使ってください。第一の文の中で、spentは同類動詞です。だから、the daysは従属文の中で目的語をします。that/whichは省略できます。第二の文の中でworkは他動詞です。だから、the daysは時間詞をします。

I will never forget the days_u u_u_u u_u u_u u uI spent in the countryside. whichのはずですが、なぜwhenではないですか?

which I spent in the countrysideは定語の従属文で、the daysを修飾して、whichは定語の従属文の中でspendの目的語を行います。whenは副詞で、spendの目的語になることができません。
whenを使うなら、文をI will never forget the days when I lived in the countrysideに変えます。

I will never forget the days(when/that/which)we spent together.

先行語のthe daysは、we spent togetherが固定語の従属文で、その中のspentは及物動詞で、目的語を持つのですが、文からなくなったので、目的語に不足しています。また、先行語は物です。だから、thatまたはwhichを記入してもいいです。

34.He will never forget the days_u u_u_u uヘspent in Japan. A.when B.after C.that D.how どの項目を選ぶべきですか?なぜwhenを選ばないですか?he spent in Japanは完璧な文だと思いますので、副詞としての成分が足りないので、関係代名词ではなく、関係副詞whenを使わなければなりません。


a day that you will never forget 作文a day that you will never forgetと題しています。

A day I will never forget
It was a Sunday evining around 6 o'clock or so,one of the many Sunday evings where I would cruise around with my father in thecar.Thoughthis wasn't just any ordinary Sunday sight seeige excursion with my dad.
We stopped at a red light、and without much enthussiasm observed the sidewalks.A woman、as she walked、fixed the white lacey gossamer slip of herdress.Itdragged out of her skirt、oviously making her feel self-conscious.A shot、stuby man with an overbering gt was nonchalantly picking his nose as he ogle the lady adjusing heslip.Hestared at her、as though undressing her with his eyes.
I looked at my father,who was looking right back atme.Weぼんlaughed.Beingonly five years old,I was aten age where I found everthinghilarious.Thevery fact that my father and I weree looking at the same scene and probably both thinking how perverted the man seemed made me laugh hysterically.
My dad continued to drive.I kept gazing at the scenery of the city、as the sun started to set and the darkness tookover.Ourlittle sight seeigng trip was over,or so I thought.
I was so used to the same path went through,that when my father made an unaccustomed turn,it made me suspicious.I refraned myself from asking
The y stopped kising;my dad started the car again and began todrive.Ashe was driving she whispered things into his ear、gigling and sniker inaudiblewods.The ywere oblivious to the fact that I was in the back seat wating the m.I sat there pondering in amazett I hadseen.Shedidn't look once towards the back seat、but she knew I was there watch ing them both and wasinsouciant.Shejust kept caresing my father.
「Honey sit in the back seat」.My father orded me.
I sat there impatiently waiting for this so-caled「friend」、getting bored as the minutes went by began toワンダー.Myeyes trveled up on two squirrels chattering down a tree engaged in a game of tag.I pointed them out to my father laughing.

I will never forget the days that I spent with you.I hope we can see each other again some!


I will never forget the days that I spend with you. spendはなぜ過去に行かないですか?なぜですか?

一般的に、spendは過去のspentを使うべきで、the daysは以前のあれらの日を指します。

Change is the only thing that will never change この文を中国語に訳して何の意味ですか?
