i hope you will forget something_u u_u u_u u u_u u u(please)between you and me

i hope you will forget something_u u_u u_u u u_u u u(please)between you and me

i hope you will forget something unplease ant between you and me

You promised me that I will remember,But please you don't forget your promise.


my honey please remember that I christh you and you are the only one I have love d and will love. これはどういう意味ですか?


Have you forgotten-10 from me last monsh?Will you please remember------it tomorrow? A borrowing、to bring B to borrow、bring C borrowed、bringing D borrowing、bringing

C borrowed,bringing
Have you forgotten(borrowed)1000 from me last monsh?Will you please remember it(bring)tomorrow?
forgot/remember it+dongは忘れ/覚えていることを表します。
forgot/remember it+doneは、忘れ/したことや過去にすることを覚えています。

I will never to talk with you if are you please remember it forever!


英語の作文を求めます。a person i will never forget 問題は文字数の200.

a person i will never forget Thomas was a new student in myクラス.Thefirst time i saw him when i came into myclassiroom.Hesat alone everyone looked ahimstrannely.Hesmited at every person who walk…

A person I will never forget.(私がいつまでも忘れない人)と題して、英語の作文を書きます。 要求は以下の通りです 1.短文の内容は人物の外見、性格、趣味と忘れられないところなどを含みます。 2.短い文章には真実の名前と校名が現れてはいけません。 3.語数80ぐらい

I will never forget myMother.Sheis a very prettywoman.Sheis also verykind.Shelikes to knit some flowers and she also lovesm.WhenI'm in trouble,she oten helpsm.WhenI have something that is very difficult to solive,she offten helps me to solive the proble m.I love my mother a lot.

英語の作文《A person I will never forget》

I will nevert forget my good history teacher when he taugt us history maryyearsアゴ.Hewas a very kind teacher with thickglasses.Thehistory class which hetaugt was very interesting and offten made his class lively andunforgetful.Heused to help us solive a lot of questions that we could notunder stand.Healways told us to study hard and triedour best to make a contribution to
realizing our modenmotherland.Heis so good a teacher that I will remember him forever.
Although Miss Li our English teacher doesn't teach us any more,I will never forgethere.Sheis an ordinary looking with a pair ofglasses.Sheis kind and friendly and she can oten make her classinteresting.Whenshe began to teach us、my English waspoor.AndI was aframid to have Englishクラスencouraged me and gave me some advice on how to learn Englishwell.Sheoten helped me with my English and once I was so bady ill that I couldn't go to shool for threedays.Shecame to my house and helped with my English.I was so moved that I decided to studyhard.Withhelp I madeprogress rapidly.I thanked her very much and I missed her,too.
Although Miss Li our English teacher doesn't teach us any more,I will never forgethere.Sheis an ordinary looking with a pair ofglasses.Sheis kind and friendly and she can oten make her classinteresting.Whenshe began to teach us、my English waspoor.AndI was aframid to have Englishクラスencouraged me and gave me some advice on how to learn Englishwell.Sheoten helped me with my English and once I was so bady ill that I couldn't go to shool for threedays.Shecame to my house and helped with my English.I was so moved that I decided to studyhard.Withhelp I madeprogress rapidly.I thanked her very much and I missed her,too.
The person I will never forget is my Englishteacher.Hername isリンダ.Sheis a little fat with a long flowerdress.Infact,when I was in price scool,Ididn't really likeEnglish.Butwhen I met her and in her clases、I felt happy andexcited.Evenmy heart full ofcuriosity.The nI became more interested in English.
Linda has ever been to England to know more English culture and education for threemonts.Whenshe came back,she had a new way toteach.Herclassis was full of vigor、quite exciting!
Now I always talk with her in English and ask somequestions.Shegives me help and something more import.I will never forget you,Linda.

something i will never forget英語の小さい作文 60個の単語は文法の間違いを犯さないでください。

The e e e is one thing I will never forget in my life.When I was a child、I playd with some friends under the foot of a mountan near an old temple.It was spring festival and there were lots of people…

a person i will never forgetの作文について

a person i will never forget Thomas was a new student in myクラス.Thefirst time i saw him when i came into myclassiroom.Hesat alone everyone looked ahimstrannely.Hesmited at every person who walk…