I beilieve Zoe Will pass the exam、she()for it for such a long time CはまだDが分かりません。 A is preparing B was preparing C had been preparing D has been prepararing

I beilieve Zoe Will pass the exam、she()for it for such a long time CはまだDが分かりません。 A is preparing B was preparing C had been preparing D has been prepararing


she doesn't study hard、中にhardは副詞ですか?


オンラインなどの翻訳The reason why she failed in the exam was she didn't study hard.


She doesn't work hard at English、so she f_u_u u_uin the exam.

She doesn't work hard at English、so she fails in the exam.

She is lazy and she doesn't study hard,___u_u__u_u_u..。 so am i or neither do lです。

She is lazy and she doesn't study hard【so it is with me】前の文の述語動詞が一致しない、または肯定的で否定的である場合、直接にso+助動詞/情態動詞/be動詞+主語という形ではなく、so it is with sbを使います。上の状況を表します。

英語は病文を修正します:The y studies very hard for the comming exam.

studiesをare studingに変更しました。

The girl studies very hard.very hardに質問します。

How does the girl study?

Lin Tao didn't pass the math exam last week.同義語Lin Tao failed in the math exam last week.に変更しました。 なぜfailed inですか?did failではないです。詳しく教えてください。具体的なほどいいです。


Lin Tao did not pass the math exam last week.=Lin Tao_u_u uthe math exan last week.

Lin Tao did not pass the math exam last week.
=Lin Tao【failed in】the match exan last week.

I didn't pass the mash exam last timeを同義語I()()pass the mast exam last timeに変更しました。

I failed to pass the math exam last time.
fail toは失敗したと表しています。できなかったという意味です。edは過去のことです。後ろにlast timeがありますので、文末にあります。