I beilieve Zoe will pass the exam,she ( ) for it for such a long time C 還是D 不懂啊 A is preparing B was preparing C had been preparing D has been preparing

I beilieve Zoe will pass the exam,she ( ) for it for such a long time C 還是D 不懂啊 A is preparing B was preparing C had been preparing D has been preparing

選D 因為根據前句語境,是現在時,所以應該用現在完成時.

she doesn't study hard ,其中hard是副詞嗎?

是的,hard 表示:努力地,用功地,修飾前面的動詞study.

線上等翻譯The reason why she failed in the exam was that she didn't study hard.


She doesn't work hard at English,so she f_____ in the exam.

She doesn't work hard at English,so she fails in the exam.

She is lazy and she doesn't study hard,____________. 是填so am i or neither do l

She is lazy and she doesn't study hard【so it is with me】.當前面的句子謂語動詞不一致,或者既有肯定又有否定的時候,不能直接用so+助動詞/情態動詞/be動詞+主語這種形式,要使用 so it is with sb.表示上面的情況...

英語修改病句:They studies very hard for the coming exam .

studies 改為are studing

The girl studies very hard.對very hard做提問

How does the girl study?

Lin Tao didn't pass the math exam last week.改為同義句Lin Tao failed in the math exam last week. 為什麼是failed in而不是did fail?拜託講仔細,越具體越好,

fail 是及物動詞,肯定句裡面當然不加did 直接用過去式failed

Lin Tao did not pass the math exam last week.=Lin Tao__ __the math exan last week.

Lin Tao did not pass the math exam last week.
=Lin Tao【failed in 】the math exan last week.

I didn't pass the math exam last time 改為同義句I () () pass the math exam last time

I failed to pass the math exam last time .
fail to 表示未能.沒能做成的意思 、加ed 就是過去時了 ,因為後面有個last time在句尾