Study hard ,or you will fail in the exam 改為同義句 STUDY hard,___you will___-the exam

Study hard ,or you will fail in the exam 改為同義句 STUDY hard,___you will___-the exam

or=otherwise否則;fail in the exam=fail the exam考試不及格.

You will fail in the English exam if you don`t study hard. _____ ______ ,or you`ll fail in the English eaxm.

Study hard

You may fail the exam if you don't work hard.You may fail the exam _____ _______ ______.同義句.

You may fail the exam if you don't work hard.的同義句是:You may fail the exam unless you work hard

You will fail the test if you don't work hard.用without改為簡單句

You will fail the test without hard working.

You will fail the test again if you don't study hard.=You will fail the test again -you-hard.


YOU will fail unless you work hard 求翻譯


You will success unless you work hard.有沒有語法錯誤 如果有請改正,

success 是名詞,這裡應該用動詞succeed

You will achieve nothing unless you work hard.翻譯


Work hard,or you'll fall behind others.(改為含if引導的條件狀語從句的複合句)

If you don't work hard,you'll fall behind others.

bill must study hard.otherwise he will fail in the examination.將簡單句連線成帶狀語從句的主從複合句

Bill will fail in the examination unless he studies hard.
If Bill doesn't work hard,he will fail in the examination.