can和be able to 的區別

can和be able to 的區別

can 與 be able to 均可表示某人做某事的能力,常可互換.例如:I'm not able to [can't] explain this. 我不能解釋這個問題.He was able to [could] speak French very well. 他的法語講得很不錯.但是兩者還是有區別...

英語中,can和be able to有和區別?

1)can could 表示能力;可能 (過去時用could),只用於現在式和過去式(could).be able to可以用於各種時態.They will be able to tell you the news soon.他很快就能告訴你訊息了.2)只用be able to a.位於助動詞後.b...

I will be able to為什麼要用be而非I will am able to

I am able to

英語句型 be able to A successful businessman should able to readily accommodate to the changing economic conditions. 這句話是我在滬江的例句看到的. 為什麼它的able 不加be 是錯了 還是有些情況是不用加be

錯了,be able to do 能夠做某事,固定搭配,這句中主語是a successful businessman 謂語should be able to 一定要用動詞/動詞片語

It's ___ they will be able to attend the meeting. A doubtful whether B doubtful that C no doubt whether D in doubt if

反之用no doubt 如:There is no doubt that.

They will be able to tell you the news soon. 有否語法錯誤?


take some action now to protect wild animals ,they will be able to survive(同義句) ______ ______ take some action now to protect wild animals,they will be able to survive

If we

They will be able to come here soon.(用yesterday代替soon改寫句子)They()able to come here()

were yesterday

we hope we will be able to join the farewell party (改為同義句)

we hope we can join the farewell party
be able to = can

we hope we will be able to join the farewell party改為we____ ____ ____ the farewell party?

we hope to join the farewell party