when the cat is away ,the mice will play

when the cat is away ,the mice will play


We must clean the room (對clean the room進行提問

What must you do?

We can see ( )cat in the room.括號裡填a,an,the或/.


why you think it is important or interesting to travel reflect on what you have learned yout travel experiences

Relax myself .Achieve my dream.let me know nothing is difficult if you work hard just like a drop of water can through the stone .The nature tell our human beings a lot .So when I travel I feel that I'm just a student of the nature ,it let me konw

It is much cheaper and far more enjoyable to travel by train than by plane.中的far more enjoyable 是啥意思?

more enjoyable是enjoyable的比較級
修飾比較級的詞最常見的有much,a lot,a great deal,far,even,still,a bit,a little等

I think it is____to go on a trip by train than by plane (安全的)


求英語作文 Travel by air vs travel by train

坐火車還是坐飛機旅行(Traveling by Train or by Plane)1.我們出遠門總要坐火車或飛機 2.坐火車和坐飛機各有什麼利弊 3.你的結論如何 When we go on a business trip,we will be faced with the choice of trav...

I think people should stop ( ) trees,or the environment will become worse. A.cut down B.to cut down C.cutting down 選什麼,為什麼

【答案】C.cutting down
stop doing sth.停止做某事(固定片語)

We think that,____________ the situation will get worse. not carefully dealt with WHY? 什麼從句

這個是if 從句 .這個從句後會緊接著一個有will的句子.
用法是 從句用現在時時 主句要用將來時

單詞的正確形式:Look at the ____ (雲).It will become even worse tomorrow,I think.請告知理由,謝
