in case of 和for fear of用法的區別? in case of 不是有以防萬一的意思嗎?這樣也可以翻譯的通啊!

in case of 和for fear of用法的區別? in case of 不是有以防萬一的意思嗎?這樣也可以翻譯的通啊!

in case of 在……情況下for fear of 因為害怕……兩者意思不一樣,自然啥都不一樣._________________________________________我就知道你會這樣問,所以我把in case of的意思中去掉了“以防”in case of 作以防講的時...

in case 與for fear that 的區別,

以免,惟恐,後面用虛擬語氣,He worked hard for fear that he might be fired by the boss.他拼命地幹活惟恐被老闆解僱.He walked fast for fear that he should be late.他快走,以免遲到.for fear of/that 表示“由...

for fear of和in case of這兩個短語如何更好區分? 兩個短語後面分別接什麼詞?可以互換嗎?

for fear of:a.唯恐例句與用法:1.The nurse walked on tiptoe for fear of waking the patient.護士踮著腳走惟恐會吵醒病人.2.We spoke in whispers for fear of waking the baby/for fear (that) we might wake the...

He cleaned the glasses carefully for fear that it __. A,was damaged B,should be damaged C,damaged D,would be damaged 為什麼選擇b 不能選d 虛擬語氣不是也可以用would



He worked hard for fear that he might be fired by the boss.
He walked fast for fear that he should be late.

I am afraid I won't be able to do the extra work.同義句 I'm worrying ______ my________ to do the extra work

I'm worrying about my ability to do the extra work.

our country must be able to keep pace technologically


I really very much am afraid you to be able to leave me 什麼意思- -


I f____ that you won't be able to finish the work on time. 這裡填feel還是find?或者填其他的什麼? 首字母f


won't see I able be tomorrow you to(.)(連字成句)

i won't be able to see you tomorrow.