英語翻譯 請翻譯此句,

英語翻譯 請翻譯此句,

It lies in our power to do (what)=> lies in our power not to do(what).

Our greatest glory is not in never failing,but in rising up every time we fail 出自愛默生的哪本書?

Ralph Waldo Emerson:Essays:The First and Second Series

Our greatest glory is not in never falling,but in getting up every time we do.


如何用英文解析“our greatest glory consists not in never falling,but in rising every time we fall” 就是用英文解釋這句話~


請以“Never Give Up forever”寫一篇英語作文.

Difficulties may come with the happiness in our life.I did well in my study except physics.I thought physics was so difficult and boring that I couldn’t learn it well.I nearly wanted to give it up.I ...

NEVER GIVE UP的英語作文 在生活中,每個人都會經歷困難的挑戰,面對挑戰,你是知難而退還是堅持不懈的努力呢?請你以一次難忘的經歷為話題,寫一次你在初中生活中戰勝困難,獲得成功的經歷與我們分享.要求80詞,

NEVER GIVE UP In our daily life we will meet difficult challenges. Facing this situation, what will you do, solve it or give it up? As for me, I will never give up. Once, our English asked me to ...

請以“Never Give Up”寫一篇英語作文.

Mike used to be a very naughty student.He seldom paid anttention in the class and always lazy to do his homework.Therefore he did not do well in his study.His parent often angry with him because he fa...

英語作文never give up 300字 關於自己的同學、家人或自己

Never Give Up
“Every night in my dreams,I see you.I feel you,that is how I know you go on,far across the distance and spaces between us.You have come to show you go on…”
What a nice song the radio is broadcasting!You’re right,it’s the song named “My Heart Will Go On”.It was sung by the Canadian singing star Celine Dion for the film Titanic.Titanic is such a wonderful film.It received my prizes.I was once moved to tears by it.
It’s a film about how the ship Titanic sank into the sea.It is very exciting.But I was more interested in the stars of the film,Jack and Rose’s story.We can learn some deeper things from it.
After the ship hit an iceberg and sank into the sea.Jack and Rose,and many other people fell into the cold sea water.As the weather was getting colder and colder,they were stepping into death.Jack still asked Rose to promise him not to give up the hope of life.At last,Jack was dead,but Rose had a narrow escape,because she listened to Jack and didn’t give up.
“Really?It seems so hard to believe,” you may think.
Maybe once there were many successes just behind you,and if you hadn’t given up,you would catch them easily.But you lost them,because you didn’t hold on.
So never give up,even though there are many more difficult things waiting for you.Just face them heroically,and you will surely win.

求一篇簡單的英語作文 never give up 80詞即可

我這就是初三的,報紙上的,老師講過了的題目Mike didn't used to study well.So his parents used to be argry with him.Even though he decided to give up studying.with the help of the teachers and dessmetes,h...

This is our secret.You___tell him.A.must never B.never must D.can never D.never can
