Many students get to school (by bys)提問

Many students get to school (by bys)提問

是by bus吧
提問 how do many students get to school?
how 提問何種方式

句子轉換 86. Many students get to school by bus. (劃線提問) ________ do many students 86. Many students get to school by bus. (劃線提問) ________ do many students ________ to school? 87. Mr. Li often goes to Shanghai. (用tomorrow改寫句子) Mr. Li _____ ______ to Shanghai tomorrow. 88. Nancy plays computer games twice a week. (劃線提問) _______ ______ does Nancy play computer games? 89. Mary has ten eggs . Tom has six eggs. (將兩個句子合併成一句) Mary has _________ eggs _________ Tom. 90. Li Lei is ten years old. Lin Tao is ten years old, too. (將兩個句子合併成一句) Li Lei is the ________ age ______ Lin Tao

Many students get to school by bus.(劃線提問)
__How______ do many students ___get_____ to school?
87.Mr.Li often goes to Shanghai.(用tomorrow改寫句子)
Mr.Li __is going___ ______ to Shanghai tomorrow.
88.Nancy plays computer games twice a week.(劃線提問)
___Hopw ofen____ ______ does Nancy play computer games?
89.Mary has ten eggs .Tom has six eggs.(將兩個句子合併成一句)
Mary has _________ eggs _________ Tom.
90.Li Lei is ten years old.Lin Tao is ten years old,too.(將兩個句子合併成一句)
Li Lei is the ___same_____ age __as____ Lin Tao

At our school,there are many ways for students to get to school. 這句話有沒有問題?

At our school多餘,直接說:
There are many ways for students to get to our school.

The teacher asked the boy many questions ,but he only answerd _of them. 到底填 few 還是some?老師答案報了few,可是我在別的地方看到只能用few因為有only..


The teacher asked the boy many questions ,but he only answered --------of them. A,some B,lots C,each D,few 請給我詳細解釋

但是因為有only..所以後面要跟肯定的.這裡就只能填some 了.
如果沒有only,可以填 few

The theater ask the boy many questing,but he only answers( )of them.(some,lots,eath,few)


His teacher asked him many questions ,but he only answered___of them.A.some B.few 你選什麼並且為什麼這樣選,最好詳細的辨析那兩個選項,謝謝!

應該選擇 A. 句子意思: 老師問了他很多問題,可是他僅僅只能答出幾道來.辨析:some 一些,幾個 常用語肯定句和 Would you like some.? / Can i ask you some questiones? 等以情態動詞開頭的疑問句中.Few 幾個...

The only language----is easy to learn is the mother tongue.A which B that C / D it 請說明下原因

B that

The only language -easy -to learn is the mother language "簡單"不是飾learn嗎,為什麼不用easily 這句話的結構搞不懂

這裡的easy是修飾language的,不是修飾learn.句子本應該是個定語從句.The only language which is easy to learn is the mother language.唯一簡單學的語言就是母語.這裡的easy是修飾”語言“,表示語言簡單.所以用形...

The only language is easy to learn is the mother languguage.請問這句話中的定語從句是什麼、先行詞又是什麼

The only language that is easy to learn is the mother languguage
that is easy to learn 是定語從句,修飾先行詞The only language