work it's to the easy do 怎麼連

work it's to the easy do 怎麼連

It's easy to do the work

I don't think it easy,even if we work hard,__D__the South Korea and North Korea to sit down to talk at present. A .persuaded persuade C.persuade D.persuading WHY? 哦不好意思打錯了

選B,原句簡化後的句式是I don't think it easy to persuade.

06專四真題:I am surprised that you should think this city is a dull place to live in I am surprised that you should think this city is a dull place to live in. 這句中的think this city is a dull place 是什麼結構?是不是省略了引導賓語從句的連線詞 "think (that) this city is a dull place to live in."

為了不和前面的that 重複
所以此處省略 that

work hard work will save you ,work is the only think that will see you through this

本句應聯絡上下文翻譯.肯定是主角遇到了不順心,或者正處於人生低谷,然後他朋友說:努力工作吧!工作可以拯救你.工作是令你走出低谷(挫折等)的唯一途徑.think可能應為thing .而且,用thing來指代工作並不準確.我們經常用way,approach等來指代方式、方法、途徑等.

I apologize I don't think that we will go to this exhibition. 到底是他們去不去這個展會啊?


i don't think the decision that he will be given this job is good since he has no experience at all 沒人會麼?

I don't think the decision that he will be given this job is good since he has no experience at all.改錯 請詳解 沒有錯.譯:我認為他將被給這份工作的這個決定是不好的,因為他根本沒有經驗.I don't think the...

--Do you think he can win this time? --Oh,yes.It's _______that he will. --Do you think he can win this time? --Oh,yes.It's that he will. A very likely B almost surely C quite certainly D very possibly翻譯一下意思,謝謝了

答案是A,因為likely是形容詞,而BCD選項中的surely certainly possibly都是副詞

This time ,I think that\'s that 什麼意思

that's that = there is no more to be done.

翻譯 對於許多學生來說,去上學是一件容易的事情 It is ___ ___ many students___ ___ to school

it is easy for many students to go to school 親.初一上學期的it 形式主語,不定式做真正主語的乃都不會?

1,it is easy to get to school,.為什麼用to?2,these students go on a ropeway to cross the rever school,“go on a ropeway”是不是一個片語?為什麼要用兩個to,一個the 3,many of the students為什麼要用of,the? 4,it is their dream to have a bridge為什麼要用to?

句型:it is+形容詞+to do sth 譯為做什麼事情是怎麼怎麼樣的
go on a ropeway不是一個固定片語.go on 是一個動詞片語.第一個to是句型裡的慣用法啊,第二個to就是表示目的,他們“go on a ropeway”是為了“cross the river”
many of the students,這也是個慣用,英語中表示“許多”,要麼“many +可數名詞複數形式...”,要麼“many of +the+可數名詞複數形式 ”
it is their dream to have a bridge這句話裡,it做形式主語,to後面接的才是真正的主語.也可以這麼寫Having a bridge is their dream.英語中有時候為了句型整齊,避免頭重腳輕,就會用it做形式主語,把真正的主語放在to後面.