改成一般疑問句They do their work at home

改成一般疑問句They do their work at home

Do they do their work at home?

They have to work hard with the fire burning.還是They have to work hard with the fire burned. 兩句話哪一句對?根據with+賓語+賓語補足語,賓語fire和burn這個賓語補足語之間是主動關係還是被動關係,求詳解,謝謝!

前面的對,應該是主動的,若是點火的話,一般不說burn the fire

what will our life be in the future 以what will our life be like in the future為題寫一篇100字的短文 要求: 生活: 在完全網路話社會里,足不出戶就可以購物、讀書、就醫等 旅遊: 可以很容易的去月球,火星等外星球參觀 環境: 所有的能源都來自太陽,環境變得十分清潔 健康:人類已經可以治癒一切疾病,人的壽命得以延長

參考文In 2050,the use of computers will become more pervasive.Senior high school students will have little homework and all they have to learn is computer programming,because computer programs will do...

believe that our mutual commitments,will be in the future will be realized.


Our life will be a lot better in the future.(對劃線部分提問) ( )( )our life ( )in the future. 本人英語基礎不那麼太好~

what will be

求英語作文:what will life in our city be like in the future急! 字數70字左右吧

Great Changes in My HometownI used to live in a small town with trees all around.There was no tall building and the only street was narrow.Just outside the town,there was a river.You can see different...

英語翻譯 他正盡力實現他的夢想英語翻譯, He is trying __ __ __his dream __ __.

He is trying hard to make his dream come true.

他的夢想和我的一樣 His dream____ _____ _____ ______mine翻譯

His dream【is the same as】mine

"I believe that the dream will be realized"翻譯

I believe that the dream will be realized

Follow your heart ,follow your dream ,i believe i believe i believe in you !要用自己的話翻譯!謝謝!
