They do their work at home

They do their work at home

Do they do their work at home?

They have to work hard with the fire burning According to with + object + object complement, whether the object complement fire and burn is an active or passive relationship, please explain in detail, thank you!

The front is right. It should be active. If it is ignited, it is generally not said to burn the fire

what will our life be in the future What will our life be like in the future requirement: Life: in a completely Internet society, you can shop, read and see a doctor without leaving home Travel: you can easily visit the moon, Mars and other planets Environment: all the energy comes from the sun, and the environment becomes very clean Health: human beings have been able to cure all diseases and prolong their life span

In 2050, the use of computers will become more pervasive.Senior high school students will have little homework and all they have to learn is computer programming,because computer programs will do...

believe that our mutual commitments,will be in the future will be realized.

Believe that our promise will be realized

Our life will be a lot better in the future My English foundation is not so good~

what will be

What will life in our city be like in the future! About 70 words

Great Changes in My HometownI used to live in a small town with trees all around.There was no tall building and the only street was narrow.Just outside the town,there was a river.You can see different...

English translation He is trying to realize his dream, He is trying __ __ __ his dream __ __ .

He is trying hard to make his dream come true.

His dream is the same as mine______ Mine translation

His dream is the same as mine
His dream【is the same as】mine

I believe that the dream will be realized

I believe that the dream will be realized
I believe the dream will come true
I believe the dream will come true

Follow your heart, follow your dream, I believe I believe I believe in you!

Stick to your beliefs, follow your dreams, and I believe in you