They will finish the work all by t___ .

They will finish the work all by t___ .


I spend about two hours a day doing my home work Two sentences

It takes me about two hours a day to do my homework.
I spend about two hours a day of homework time.

I spend about two hours a day doing my homework The scribed part is two ____ ______ _______ ________ _______ do you spend _______ your homework? I think it's your answer, too But that's the problem hey forget it Let's see what the teacher says

How many hours do you spend on your home work a day?

I spend two hours doing my home work a day____ for___ ___ every day.

Fill in: spend two hours; my home work
I spend two hours on my homework every day

I spend about two hours doing my home work every day

What a coincidence, really --
How long do you spend doing your home work every day?

Every day I spend two hours. My home. Finishing or finishing doing I always check my home again in order to. It's correct A.sure .B.make sure C.certain D be sure to

If you want to use the second one, you should change it to spend two hours to finish doing my home work

A. Two more hours B. another two hour C. two another hour D. more two hours Say what each option means and which one is wrong

The meaning is very simple. Each option means an extra 2 hours
Correct expression of a.two more hours or another two hours
BCD is wrong
One more try, another three days
It's very awkward to read more CDs

You can spend two more hours playing football

You can play football two more hours.

He spent two hours a day playing volleyball____ two hours a day ____ ____ volleyba How to fill in the blanks?

takes me,to play

You can spend another two hours piaying football Can you lend me your MP5? Can_____ _____ ______ Can I ________ _________ _________ ______ you?

He doesn't know how to spend his weekend. After a question, he doesn't know how to spend his weekend