Is there anything the matter with the sentence?

Is there anything the matter with the sentence?

no problem!
Is anything the matter with the man?
What happened to this man?
Is there anything the matter with her?

There is a lot of water in the ruve

The river has a lot of water.

there is no such thing as.. Why not there is no such a thing as.. Don't you say you should add an a or the before a noun Why is this so

The so-called language is just a common habit, there is no reason to speak, although we may not be convinced, but this is the fact, for example, why not say "nonsense" as "nine nonsense"_ Haha

Believe it or not,there's no such a thing as standard English How to change this sentence?

Remove the indefinite article a
You can say this a thing
No such thing
But we can't say: no such a thing
It's just a habit. Don't talk about it

There is no such thing as standard English. Why not add s or a thing here Isn't there such a boy? Is no an adjective and what part of speech is such?

The indefinite article (a) can never be added before "thing"
And the front is there is, of course you can't use things

”There is no such thing as standard English

There be structure is a kind of complete inversion, that is: object + predicate + subject
No such thing as standard English
When translating, translate according to something in a certain place
There is no such thing as standard English
There is no such statement as standard English

there is no such thing=? There is no such thing, As the teacher told us, there is no such thing = there is not a such thing or there is not such a thing

no such thing=not such a thing
In other words: when no modifies a noun, there will be no a after it
You can say this a thing
No such thing
But we can't say: no such a thing
It's just a habit. Don't talk about it

what four-letter word reads the same forward,back to the front and upside down


find a word in the story that means "tasty"

The story of finding a word means "delicious"

Which word in rule 4 means “headmaster ”

In Rule 4, which word means "principal"?