In the picture there are five ____ and two____ . a、sheep、foxes b、sheeps、fox c、sheeps、foxes d、sheep、foxs

In the picture there are five ____ and two____ . a、sheep、foxes b、sheeps、fox c、sheeps、foxes d、sheep、foxs

Sheep monomorphism~
Fox, X ends with ES~

How many horses' feet are there in this picture fast

How many feet are there in this picture?

There is a children in this picture

Only one, singular

is the difference?this furniture is different from that “ what is the difference?” “ this furniture is different from______ ” . A,that book. B,your. C,that one. D,that You should choose D, because furniture is not countable, so you can't use one? This book is different from____ . what to fill in? one?that one?that?

That can replace the uncountable noun or the singular of the countable noun, which is equivalent to the one in place of the countable noun
One refers to a countable noun
The following questions can be used with that one

"What is the difference?""This furniture is different from ___ "Athat B that one The answer is that

Furniture is like an uncountable bar, so you can't use it

Please tell the difference between this one and that one. Please________ this one________ that one.

Please distinguish this one from that one.

What is the major difference between D/P and D/A?

If the bill of lading is not accepted by the importer, it can be paid by the bank after the bill of lading is overdue

what is the difference between uk and us? Not for translation

There are vast differences in culture between Americans and their British Commonwealth counterparts throughout the world.
American English is spoken in the USA,Canada and many Pacific Rim countries where America has exerted an influence.
British English is spoken throughout the British Commonwealth of 54 countries,some of the most notable being the United Kingdom,Australia,New Zealand and South Africa,with Canada being the exception.Although part of the Commonwealth, Canadians tend to speak a mixture of American and British English due to that country's proximity to the USA (although they spell the British way).
In the dictionary section,you will see how many words differ completely between the two "languages".This is a virtual "Yank to Limey speak" dictionary - the words are listed in alphabetical order by American English word.Or visit the search page to find a specific word or phrase.
The driving section examines the differences in driving practices (including an explanation of why Commonwealth countries drive on the left) while the drinking and eating sections explain the very different etiquettes prevalent between the two cultures.
In the section labeled other,you will find all sorts of miscellaneous differences including measurements,legal driving and drinking ages as well as lifestyle differences like choice of bedding and even how toilets differ!
The FAQ (frequently asked questions) covers those often asked questions about Commonwealthers and Americans.Questions such as why are American's called Yanks and the English called Limeys,and where does that "bloody" word come from the English use in every sentence?
Funny stuff covers various hilarious situations that can occur because of the differences in language and culture.
Spelling covers that vast and confusing differences in the ways of spelling the exact same word.
Pronunciation covers the differences in the way Americans and Commonwealthers sound certain words.
Slang is a new section that covers different slang words in the USA,Britain,Australia and South Africa.
Finally,if you want to know who I am and why I know so much about the difference between American and English culture,go here.

What is the difference between infringement and violation? Thank you very much My brother's question on the first floor: The druken driver was brought to the police station for violation of traffic regulations. The druken driver was brought to the police station for an infringement of traffice regulations What's the difference between these two sentences? The law is an out-and-out infringement of our civil rights. The idea is to make the statement that violence against women is a violation of human rights. Infilling of.. rights and violation of... Rights are used in these two sentences respectively. What's the difference?

These two are synonyms. The difference is very subtle
It's just that I personally think violence is a little unreasonable because it has the root word violet

what do you think is the difference between friendship and love? Please answer in English.

Love is sth u have for someone u wanna be together with ,maybe for a lifetime.u'll always get sad on the idea of being only friends with him or her.u want more than that when u r in love with a person.And love is exlusive.u'll never wanna share with a third person.
Friendship is much less complicated that love 'cause u can have more than one friend but u can only have one lover.Friendship can also be profound but in a very different way from love does.In a friendship,u don't have to think about the future or sth like that.Everything is just so simple.