In the picture there re five_u_u u_u uand two_u_u..。 a、sheep、foxes b、sheeps、fox c、sheeps、foxes d、sheep、foxs

In the picture there re five_u_u u_u uand two_u_u..。 a、sheep、foxes b、sheeps、fox c、sheeps、foxes d、sheep、foxs


how many horses'feet are there in this pictureとはどういう意味ですか? 速い


The re is a children in this picture


is the difference?this furniture is different from that 「what is the difference?」 「this furniture is different from_u__u u u_」..。 A,that book. B,your. C、that one. D,that Dを選ぶべきですが、furnitureは数えられないので、oneは使えませんか? あれは数え切れます。例えば、this book is different from_u_u u何を記入しますか one?that one?that

thatは名詞の代用もできますし、名詞の単数の代用もできます。名詞の代用はthe oneと同じです。
以下の問題はthat oneが使えます。

「What is the difference?」「This furniture is different from_ku「Athat B that one 答えはthat


Please tell the difference between this oneとthat one. Pleasure_u_u u_u uthis one_u____u_u uthat one.

Please distinguish this one.

What is the major difference between D/P and D/A?


what is the difference between uk ands? 翻訳を求めるのではなく

The re are vast differences in culture between Americans and their British Communwealth counterparts throughot the world.
American English is spoken in the USA、Canda and pacific Rim countries where America has exerted an influnce.
British English is spoken throughot the British Communwealth of 54 countries、some of the most notable being the United Kingdom、Australia、New Zealand and South Africa、with Canda being theexception.Althoughpart of the Communwealth、Candadians ted to speak a mixture of American and British English due to that country's proximity to the USA.
In the dictionary section,you will see how many worlds differ complettely between the two“langage”.This a virtual“Yank to Limey speak”dictorary-the world listed in alphabietical order by American Enish Engshword.Orvisit the search page to find a specific word or phrase.
The driving section examnes the differences in driving practices(including an explanion of why Communwealth countries drive on the left)while the drining and eating sections expline the very different etquetherectevant
In the section labeled other,you will find all sorts of miscellaneous differences includeng meas rements,legal driving and drinking age as well as lifestyle differences like chence of bedding and hotoffets!
The FAQ(frequently asked questions)covers those offect questions about Comonwealthers andAmericans.Questionssuch as why are American's caled Yanks and the English caled Limeys、and where does that「bloody」word come from the English use in every sentence?
Funy stuff covers various hilarious situation s that can occur because of the differences in langage and culture.
Spelling covers that vast and confusing differences in the ways of spelling the exact same word.
Pronunciation covers the differences in the way Americans and Communwealthers sound certain words.
Slang is a new section that covers different slang words in the USA、Britain、Australia and South Africa.
Finally、if you want to know who I am and why I know so much about the difference between American and English culture、go here.

What is the difference between infringement and violation? ありがとうございます 階の兄弟の答えについて、ちょっと疑問を持ってきました。 The druken driver was brought to the police station for violation of traffic reglations. The druken driver was brought to the police station for an infrigment of traffice reglations この二つの句は何の違いがありますか? The law is an out-and-out infrigment of our civil rights. The idea is to make the statement that violence against women is a violation of hman rights. この二つの文の中でinfrigment of.rightsとviolation of...rightsを使っていますが、何の違いがありますか?


what do you think is the difference between friendnd love? 英語で答えてください。

Love is sth u have for someone u wanna be together with、mayne for a lifetime.u'll always get sad on the idea of being only friends with hir r.her.u want more than that when n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n in love with aperson.Andlove is exlusive.u'll never wanna share with a third person.
Friendsip is much less coplicated that love'cause u can have more than one friend but u can onlyhave onelover.Friendsipcan also be profound but in a very different way from lovedoes.Ina friendsip,u don't have to think about the future or sth likethat.Everythingis just so simple.