Which letter is a kind of drink and which letter is difficult to understand? A:T AND Y B:W AND Z C:S AND X D:I AND N

Which letter is a kind of drink and which letter is difficult to understand? A:T AND Y B:W AND Z C:S AND X D:I AND N


クイズ:ハロー、l'm your friend.i have four

このテーマは実はHello、I’m your friend.I have fourです。letters.Myfirst letter is in the word'boot',but not in'foot'.You can find my second and third letters in the word'skyirt',you also can find them in t…

Have you received a letter from your friend?同義語Have you_u u_uyour friend

heard from
hear from固定フレーズ,受信しました。

1.when you meet yourfriend.yourface shines-you have found gold.


1()is your friend mary?()is in the office.2()you have?I()telescope and()nice food. 2後and一つ()nice

have a

The e e e e is()「m」and()「u」in the word「menu」Can I have()orange car?I get(t)after three hours'hard work

The e e e e e is(an)「m」and(a)「u」in the word「menu」Can I have(an)orange car?

there is_“m”and_“u”in the word“menu”.

an m(em)a u(yu)anは母音のある字や語の前で使われます。aは子音のある字や語の前で使われます。その語や字を無視して母音を始めとする文字ですか?例:a university(uここでは「yu」と発音します。子音の音です。)an hour(hourここでは「our」と読みます。母音の始まりです。

The e e e e e e e is_u u_u u“l”and____u“t”in the world“let”The e e e e e e is_u u_u u_u“u”and_____u「t」in the wordはanまたはaを記入する

an a a a

The re re three letter in thisword:The fistletter is「e」.And the last one is alos「e」.

three letter(s)

there re re three people in my family(線の部分について質問する)

下線がthree peopleならHow many people are there in your familyですか?