Could you tell me how to translate this sentence? オリンピックを開催することは中国の総合的国力を強化し、中国の国際的地位を向上させることができます。

Could you tell me how to translate this sentence? オリンピックを開催することは中国の総合的国力を強化し、中国の国際的地位を向上させることができます。

Holding Olympic Games can streengted/coprehensive power of the country and improve its status in the world.

Is there anybody can translate this sentence into Chinese?Thank you. Analysts say there is a shift in tonee toward Iranslate into tangible advances with a new administration in Washington. アナリストによると、ワシントンの新政府はイランに対する態度を変化させ、有形的な進展に転化させる可能性があるという。


You can say this sentence in() これはオプションです。 A.the different ways B.same way C.different way D.different ways


plz translate this sentence little sucker mending with dirt just wanna gess a cute oldスター.whenshe was in 1998 we can say she is a little she has twobaby.herpretty little sister seems as beautiful asshe.soyoung only born in 1991.plz gess who she is?


Try to translate this sentence! 私は相手に返事して人気があります。相手に英語の意味を理解してもらいたいです。会話が上手だと知っています。フレーズを使ってもいいです。ありがとうございます。このマシンはあなたよりいいですが、マシンを使わないので、これは面白くないです。皆さんのためにも脳を使ってください。I am better than you thought it would be a lot worse。 机械が好きな人は邪魔しないでください。これは勉强が好きなところです。

I am neither much worse nor that good as.In fact,many people dislike or even hate me.

help me translate thisセンター In order to arrive at unders standing of the book and its teachings、we must first of all boldly strip away the dense overgrowth of interpretation s that have read into all sorts of extraners idas


who can help me tranlate this sentence? In t he last of the evinng light the man acroad was washing his car、but he tookのnotice of Will、and Will didn't look athim.Theless notice people took,the better.


「淘汰適者生存」who can help me tranlate thisセンター?

1.survival of the fittest
2.the survival of the fittest

who can tranlate this sentence into chinese for me? 「I am not good at riding them but one day if I hope I can be」especially the last part of the sentence is hand to understand、could you explin it for me?

if I hope I can be——私はそれらに乗りたいなら、私はできます。

who can tranlate this sentence to err is hman、to forgive、divine

to err is hman,to forgive,divine