Could you tell me how to translate this sentence? 舉辦奧運會能增強中國的綜合國力,提升中國的國際地位.

Could you tell me how to translate this sentence? 舉辦奧運會能增強中國的綜合國力,提升中國的國際地位.

Holding Olympic Games can strengten the integrited/comprehensive power of the country and improve its status in the world.

Is there anybody can translate this sentence into Chinese?Thank you. Analysts say there is a shift in tone toward Iran that may translate into tangible advances with a new administration in Washington. 分析人士稱,華盛頓的新政府對伊朗態度有所變化並可能轉化為有形的進展.


You can say this sentence in( ) 這是一道選項題. A.the different ways B.same way C.different way D.different ways

different 後面加複數

plz translate this sentence little sucker mending with dirt just wanna guess a cute old star.when she was in 1998 we can say she is a little sweetie .now she has two baby.her pretty little sister seems as beautiful as young only born in 1991.plz guess who she is?


Try to translate this sentence! 這句話怎麼翻譯?我用來回復對方說我很受歡迎.請大家幫個忙最好讓對方理解我的英文意思,所以希望大家能口語話.我知道你很會用片語,如果用了還是麻煩你把片語標出來.先謝謝你咯.我這個機器比你那個還好但是我不用機器,都用機器那這個就沒意思咯,希望大家為了還是用一下大腦吧I am better than you thought it would be a lot worse 我試著翻譯頭半句,希望大家能試試.喜歡玩機器的喜歡你別來這搗亂,這是愛學習的地方哦,不是來混的.

I am neither much worse nor that good as you think. In fact, many people dislike or even hate me.

help me translate this sentence In order to arrive at an understanding of the book and its teachings,we must first of all boldly strip away the dense overgrowth of interpretations that have read into it all sorts of extraneous ideas


who can help me translate this sentence? In the last of the evening light the man across the road was washing his car,but he took no notice of Will,and Will didn't look at him.The less notice people took,the better.


"物競天擇 適者生存"who can help me translate this sentence?

物競天擇:natural selection
1.survival of the fittest
2.the survival of the fittest

who can translate this sentence into chinese for me? "I am not good at riding them but one day if I hope I can be." especially the last part of the sentence is hard to understand,could you explain it for me?

if I hope I can be——如果我想(騎它們),我就能做到

who can translate this sentence to err is human,to forgive,divine

to err is human,to forgive,divine