

i have three new friends

I have three new friends.變為一般疑問句

How many new friends do you have?

求英語智力題的答案 根據提示,分別寫出4個由6個字母組成的單詞,單詞中的XYZ表示相同的三個字母. XYZ*** 動脈 *XYZ** 劈開 **XYZ* 壁爐 ***XYZ 以智取勝 ANSWER:

動脈 artery
劈開 parents
壁爐 dohghtear
以智取勝 outsiefsmart

問一下這些英語智力題答案! Interesting Questions 1.What bank has no money? 2.What falls often but never gets hurt? 3.What has teeth but cannot eat? 4.What has arms but cannot hug 5.What has legs but cannot walk? 6.What is yours,but is used more by others than by you? 7.How many sides does a house have? 8.What can you catch but cannot throw? 9.What is deaf and dumb,but can always tell the truth? 10.What goes up and never comes down? 11.Why is letter “e” so important? 12.How do we know the ocean is friendly? 13.Which can move faster,heat or cold? 14.What starts with “e” and ends with “e”,and contains (包括) only one letter? 15.What kind of dog doesn’t bite or bark? 16.What room has no walls,no doors,no windows,and no floors? 17.What can go through water,but never get wet? 18.What table is in the field? 19.What is the only thing you can break when you say its name? 20.What is that which you have never seen,heard or felt,which never existed and still has a name? 21.What question can never be answered by ‘Yes’? 22.What is the most difficult key to turn? 23.Where can you always find money? 24.What is the surest way to double your money? 25.Where does afternoon come before morning in the world? 26.What is easy to get into but hard to get out of? 27.What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?

1.river bank河床
6.your name
7.2,inside and outside
8.cold(因為catch cold 感冒)
10.your age
11.Because it is the beginning of"everything"
12.Because it always waves.因為大海總是起波浪wave,也有招手的意思
13.heat,because we always catch cold.
15.hot dog
19.the world record 世界紀錄
21.Are you asleep?你睡著了嗎?
25.In a dictionary.

英語智力題答案 1.Look at the numbers blow.What’s the number after 48? 9,12,21,48,,… 2.Li Ming is the only boy in his family.He is the apple of their eye. What’s the Chinese meaning (意義) of “the apple of their eye” in the sentence? 3 What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?______________________ 4.Two teachers teach at the same school.One is the mother of the other’s son.What relation( 關係 ) are they to each other?______________________ 5 Where does afternoon always come before morning?___________________

1.129因為每兩項之間的差數是3的n次冪2.類似於掌上明珠吧(心肝寶貝 )源自《聖經·舊約·詩篇》第17章,"Keep me as the apple of the eye."(求你保護我,如同保護眼中的瞳孔.)另《申命記》第32章也出現"He kept hi...

這道英語智力題答案應該是什麼啊? replace the dots with a word to make three new words door flow grow

doer 意思:發育良好
flaw 意思:裂紋;毛病,缺陷
graw 意思:齧

英語翻譯 1、One of the most famous puzzles in the math world is“How old is Ann?”Here's one.Ann is now exactly two-fifths of her older sister's age.Conversely,two years ago,Ann was only one-fourth the age of her older sister's age at that time.How old is Ann now?(She's a fairly young child,by the way) 2、You have stealthily raided your small child's piggy bank.You feel slightly guilty as you count the money.You have the same number of dimes and quarters(二角五分硬幣),totaling exactly Yuan 2.45.When you turn honest and put it back,how many of each coin will you need to replace?(Your child keeps a record of how much she puts in and in what denomination(面額),of course.)

設安今年x歲 她姐姐今年5x/2歲
安今年4歲 姐姐今年10歲

英語翻譯 1.get two left feet


英語翻譯 If the area of the shaded region of the regular hexagon in the diagrambelow is 36 cm2,the area of the whole hexagon in cm2 is____.



1.- What will you say when you are in danger?  -________!  A.I'm afraid B.SOSC.Help D.Please  2.- Can't you see the sign by the road?Move your car away.  - Sorry,I didn't see ________ here. ...