There are three people in my family.They are my father ,my mother and... 後面應該用me還是I?

There are three people in my family.They are my father ,my mother and... 後面應該用me還是I?


There are three_____(people)in my family 那裡填什麼?

There are three people in my family

There are three people in my family ,my mother ,father and ( ),括號裡填i還是me?

There are three people in my family ,my mother ,father and (I ).

There are three people in my family. 同義句 快點!

My family consists of three people.
My family is made up of three people.

My first three letters are the same as ______of the word "come".橫線處應該填什麼單詞呢

those ,因為是三個字母,因此要用複數those指代.

my first three letters are the same as in the world"come'.. my first three letters are the same as in the world"come'.My last two letters are the same as in the world 'water‘. My middle three letters are in the word 'put',猜個禮物


The first letter is in name come but not in home.the word is___________________________


I have three volleyballs.對three volleyballs提問.— —you have?

What do you have

I have three friends, —, John, Jack and Tom 為什麼填that is呢?

that is 即,就是,換句話說,就是說;更確切地說

i have three cousins 對three提問

用數量提問 那就找疑問詞 how many
也就是:how many cousins do you have