What word in the story means moving air in and out?的意思

What word in the story means moving air in and out?的意思


The word "stamp" in the story means "跺" in ______.


There is no dictionary _____ you can find this word.A.in it B.in which C.in that D.where

You can,t find the word in dictonary.

what word has thousands of letter in them 樂靈的每日一練 求答案

what word has thousands of letters in them
a. book b. picture c. dictionary ?
最好答案是 c.dictionary .

what word has thousands of letters in them

postoffice 郵局

which has thousands of letters in it? A book shelf B post office C tv show

b post office
which has thousands of letters in it?(哪個有數以千計的信件?)
b 郵局

What two word have thousands of letters in them?

Post office:郵局 (letters:這裡是“信”的意思)

which word has thousand of letters in it?


Which word becomes SMALLER when you ADD tow letters to it 該怎麼回答啊?``````急的叻`````Answwer``````

英文回答:The answer is the word "small".When you add tow letters "E and R" to it,it becomes smaller.

what five -letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
