What stands in the middle of the world世界?

What stands in the middle of the world世界?

letter "r"

what is in middle of the world? 英語腦筋急轉彎

這是一語雙關,可以理解為世界的中心是什麼,也可以說是 world這個單詞的中間是什麼.
是 r .

what stands in the middle of the world的意思 快


2.what stands in the middle of world?


When i stand in the middle of the water,what can i be?

waiter 把i這個字母放到water中間去就變成了waiter

When I jump into the water,what am I 腦筋急轉彎


Be careful when you stand on the dam.______,you will fall into the water A Otherwise B Therefore C Or D And


You can't play foot in the street.(改為祈使句) 怎麼改?

Don't play football in the street.

把You can't play basketball in the street.改為祈使句

Don't play basketball in the street.

you mustn’t play football in the street.改成祈使句

don't play football in the street