Which letter is a kind of drink and which letter is difficult to understand? A:T AND Y B:W AND Z C:S AND X D:I AND N

Which letter is a kind of drink and which letter is difficult to understand? A:T AND Y B:W AND Z C:S AND X D:I AND N


猜謎語:hello,l'm your friend.i have four

這題目其實是:Hello,I’m your friend.I have four letters.My first letter is in the word 'boot',but not in'foot'.You can find my second and third letters in the word 'skirt',you also can find them in t...

Have you received a letter from your friend?同義句 Have you__ __ your friend?

heard from
解析:hear from 固定片語,收到.的來信

1.when you meet your friend.your face shines--you have found gold.


1()is your friend mary? ()is in the office. 2()()you have? I()()telescope and()()nice food. 2後面and一個()nice

what do
have a

There is ( )"m" and( )"u"in the word "menu"Can I have( )orange car?I get (t )after three hours'hard work.

There is ( an)"m" and( a)"u"in the word "menu"Can I have(an )orange car?

there is _"m" and_ "u" in the word "menu".

an m (em)a u (yu)an 使用在有母音聲的字或詞前;a 就是用在有子音聲的字或詞前,不理那個詞或字是否是母音為首個字母.例子:a university (u 這裡念成"yu",是子音聲)an hour (hour 這裡念成 “our",是母音聲開始)...

There is_____"l"and_____"t" in the world "let" There is _____"u" and _____"t" in the word 填an或a

an a a a

There are three letter in this word:The fist letter is "e".And the last one is alos "e" .

three letter(s)

there are three people in my family (對劃線部分提問)

劃線是three people的話就是How many people are there in your family?