There are three people in my family.They are my father ,my mother and... Should I use me or I?

There are three people in my family.They are my father ,my mother and... Should I use me or I?

Me and I can do it
Me is used in spoken and informal writing
I used in formal style

There are three_____ (people)in my family What should I fill in there?

There are three people in my family
Homomorphism of the singular and complex numbers of people

There are three people in my family, my mother, father and (), I or me?

There are three people in my family ,my mother ,father and (I ).
Because there is no verb involved, so do not use the accusative case, use the nominative case

There are three people in my family hurry up!

My family consists of three people.
My family is made up of three people.

My first three letters are the same as ______ What words should be filled in the horizontal line

Because it is three letters, we should use the plural "those" to refer to

my first three letters are the same as in the world"come'.. My first three letters are the same as in the world "come '. My last two letters are the same as in the world' water '


The first letter is in name come but not in home.the word is___________________________


I have three volleyballs?

What do you have

I have three friends, —, John, Jack and Tom Why fill in that is?

That is to say, in other words, to be more precise

I have three cousins

It's very simple
How many is a question
How many cousins do you have