いくつかの英語のクイズ What letter is a kind of vegetable? What letter is a kind of inse? What letter is a large body of the water?

いくつかの英語のクイズ What letter is a kind of vegetable? What letter is a kind of inse? What letter is a large body of the water?


クイズ~英語 I have a little house which I live in allalone.Withoutdoors、without windows、and if I want to go out、I have to break through the wall whatラム kate has somehats.Allher hats ares excepttwo.Allher hats are blue excepttwo.Allher hats are yellow excepttwo.howmany hats does she have?_u_______u_u__u____u_u u_u

I have a little house which I live in allalone.Withoutdoors、without windows、and if I want to go out、I have to break through the wallwhat am鶏がこげているkate has somehats.Allher hats ares exce…

いくつかの英語のクイズ(助けを求める) 1.If the green house is on the right side of the road、and the red house is on the left side of the road、where is the white one? It's_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u u_u u u_u u u..。 2.Which letter is very useful to a deaf woman? The letter_______u__u__u_u__u_____u_u_u u_u_u u u_u u u u u u..。 3.What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty? It's_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u u_u u u u u u u..。 4.Which four animls have been mixed up below? BUT RARE ODES CAME BIT The y're_u u_u u_u u_u u、_呷____u_u u_u、グウグウグウアンデドドドドドドドドドドドド..。 5.A woman goes into a hard ware store to buy something for herhouse.Whenasked the price,the shopkeeper replies,「The price of one is twelve cents,the price of forty-four is twenty-four cents,and the price of a hunred and forty-four is-sicents.」 She wants to buy___________u_u__u__u_u_u u u_u u..。

1.If the green house is on the right side of the road、and the red house is on the left side of the road、where is the white one?
It's_u u_u uin USA_u(The White Houseは米国ホワイトハウスを指す)_.
2.Which letter is very useful to a deaf woman?
The letter__u_u uC(see)_u__u_u_u u_u__u u_u u_u u_u u..。
3.What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?
It's_u_u u_u uブラックボールド..。

英語の翻訳 一部のミスがあるかもしれませんが、ネット友達は蒙古帯猜さえも翻訳してほしいです。 1、A hunry donkey was tied to a rope etght feetlong.Aboutthirty feet away there was a basket of freshcarrots.Thedonkey wanted to eat thosecarrots.Howdid he reach them 2.Maryhad a big dog、and i had a smalerone.Oneday.thetwo dogs raced to see which ranfaster.Thedogs were soon tiredout.Finallymy dog won the 10-milerace.Nowwhich dog had sweat on its body? 3.What is being described here: The beginning of eternity. The end of time and space. The beginning of everend. The end of everplace. 4.What is detailed below? It is greater than god. More evil than the devil, The poor have it The rich need it And if you eat it,you'll die. 5.Can You find a word that means perimeter and by adding a letter A another word is formed that means a lodger? 6.What occurs once in a minute、twice in a moment and never in a split second? 7.It burnsのcoal、no oil、no nuclear fuels and hasのneed forelectricity.Itusesのman madeexplosions.Yetit is far hotter than all ovens and fires andfurnaces.whatis it 8.Two plnes take off the same exactmoment.theyare flying acros theAtlantic.Oneleaves New York and is flying to Paris at 500 milles per hour(because of a strong head wind).Which one will be closer to Paris when they meet? 9.A carpenter was in a terriblehurry.Hehad to works as quickly as possible to cut a very heavy 10 foot plank into 10 equal pieces? 10.Why are 1898 silver dollars woth more than 1897 silverdollars? 11 what English word can have 4 of its 5 letters removedand still retain its original pronunciation? 12.Johnny's Mother had threeチルドレン.Thefirst children wasnamedApple.Thesecond childwas namedMay.Whatwas the third child's name? 13.In your sock drawer,you have a ratio of 5 pairs of blue socks,4 pairs of brown socks,and 6 pairs of blacksocks.Incomplete darkness、how many socks would you need to pull out to get a matching pair of the sameカラー? 14.How can a woman loving in New Jersey、legally mary 3 men、without ever getting a divorce、be windowed、or becomming legally separated? 15.A woman goes into a hard ware store to buy something for herhouse.whenasked the price,the clerk replies,「the price of one is twelve cents,the price of forty-four is twenty-fourcents,and the price of a hunred and forty-fouris thirty-sixcents.Whatdoes the woman want to buy? 16.If there re 5 apples on the counter and take away 2,how many you have? 17.If、having only one match、on a freezing winter day、you entered a room which contained a lamp、a kersosene heat、and a wood burning stove、which shound lightfirst.heaterand a wood burning stoff,which shound you light first.


英語の翻訳 第一題:what can go through water but never get wet?第二題:what kind of leaves doesnot fall in Autumn?第三題:what kind of house weight least? 答えたいのは


英語のクイズ:What 5-letter word has 6 left when you Tale 2 letters away?




To whom does everryone always take off his hat?クイズお願いします。


What is prononced like one letter、written with three letters、and belongs to all animls? まず訳してから答えを書きます。


What letter is a kind of food?What has three hands but one face What the end of the world?

What letter is a kind of food?
答えは:The letter“O”です。
What has three hands but one face?
What's the end of the world?
答えは:The letter“D”です。