who can tranlate this? the one who laughed about the world,afterwith he pked uo and went acros the stone age,finally he became a legend but disappeared without atrace.heis love d and driven by any one who sees him on the street,but he never drives the others not,your answer is totally out of thetopic.sorry!

who can tranlate this? the one who laughed about the world,afterwith he pked uo and went acros the stone age,finally he became a legend but disappeared without atrace.heis love d and driven by any one who sees him on the street,but he never drives the others not,your answer is totally out of thetopic.sorry!


Can u do me a favor?Help me to translate this sentence into Chinese. And,in world that is growing complex and increase ingly difficult to navigate,our charge remaings to simplify and make it ease for those interested in moving a business or a famimily to our communit find a welcommuning.


Will You do me_u_u uto translate this sentence into English. A the favour B a favour C a help D a hand

Will you do me the favour to translate this sentence into English.
他の人を手伝ってdo somebody a favour、doa favour for somebodyを使います。
ある人に何かをするように手伝います。do somebody a favour by dong somethingまたはdosomebody the favour to do something
後ろはto doですので、Aを選びます。

Plz help me to translate thisセンター. Vouch selected amounts from accounts schedules for accrual ls to supporting documents.

accounts schedule帳簿
supporting documentオリジナルドキュメント

please translate this sentence? Peters is quot;as saying"In my acr、as much as I try to make it look like we all think and talk so differently、the point is、we all do the same thing!


please translate this sentence for me. there was surely a spirit of intensit everywhere that made for shot.


try to translate this sentence please message instantly and anywhere. インスタントメールはどこにありますか?is it right that i have translated to?(この後ろに自分でtoを入れました。自然に加えられたような気がします。すみません、自分で理解するのはto that sentenceです。


Translate this sentence in English,please 英語で翻訳したら、「I will be more and more stronter」に訳せますか?


Help me translate this sentence,please! Robinho's story is a jurney made by only a few of the milions of people who play football in Brazel.


The e re five()in the picture 図には豚5頭が描かれています。
