(Four students are talking about the future after class) (Four students are talking about the future after class) Deng Yu:In 2050、China will be richer than it is now、Beijing will be getting ready for the 40 th Olympic in 2052.We will see the blue and clear sky and small the fresh air.The will more more panese days living happle the LiuYuan:Aホリデイto the moon willのlonger be a dream.We can also travel far to other plannets and talk with the spacemen.We might also eat something pills instead of today’s meals.Everyone will enjoy.longer life. Sun Wei:Robots will be very poputlar.The y will what people don’t want to do.We’ll build new homes on on on on other plants.By then,I’ll be sixty years old.Maywe will have exciting have and exciting talk mynever.mynever.mynethen Zhang Lan:By the year of 2050、cloning will be used in many ways.It will bring back animls disappead many years ago.The will beのpollution、the whole world will be one big family.The will be beのwars.Aspele Live.Aspele.Aspees.partes.a we ll。 .()1.()thinks that people can spend their holion the moon in the future A.Deng Yu B.Zhang Lan C.Liu Yuann D.Sun Wei ()2.What does Zhang Lan think will happen in the future A.The’ll be more animls which disappeared many years ago. B.Robots will do the things that people don't want to do. C.The will be more panedas living in China D.People can talk with the spacemen ()3.Acctording to the passage、the 40 th Olympic Games will be hosted in() A.パース B.Beijing C.London D.Ottawa ()4.Sun Wei will be()by 2050. A.50 B.60 C.70 D.80 ()5.From the talk,we can know that() A.the 40 th Olympic Games will take place in 2052. B.we will have the same food in 2050 as we do now C.all the people will move to another plnet in the future D.robots will be the master of hman beings.

(Four students are talking about the future after class) (Four students are talking about the future after class) Deng Yu:In 2050、China will be richer than it is now、Beijing will be getting ready for the 40 th Olympic in 2052.We will see the blue and clear sky and small the fresh air.The will more more panese days living happle the LiuYuan:Aホリデイto the moon willのlonger be a dream.We can also travel far to other plannets and talk with the spacemen.We might also eat something pills instead of today’s meals.Everyone will enjoy.longer life. Sun Wei:Robots will be very poputlar.The y will what people don’t want to do.We’ll build new homes on on on on other plants.By then,I’ll be sixty years old.Maywe will have exciting have and exciting talk mynever.mynever.mynethen Zhang Lan:By the year of 2050、cloning will be used in many ways.It will bring back animls disappead many years ago.The will beのpollution、the whole world will be one big family.The will be beのwars.Aspele Live.Aspele.Aspees.partes.a we ll。 .()1.()thinks that people can spend their holion the moon in the future A.Deng Yu B.Zhang Lan C.Liu Yuann D.Sun Wei ()2.What does Zhang Lan think will happen in the future A.The’ll be more animls which disappeared many years ago. B.Robots will do the things that people don't want to do. C.The will be more panedas living in China D.People can talk with the spacemen ()3.Acctording to the passage、the 40 th Olympic Games will be hosted in() A.パース B.Beijing C.London D.Ottawa ()4.Sun Wei will be()by 2050. A.50 B.60 C.70 D.80 ()5.From the talk,we can know that() A.the 40 th Olympic Games will take place in 2052. B.we will have the same food in 2050 as we do now C.all the people will move to another plnet in the future D.robots will be the master of hman beings.


The Whites_u_u u_stand the loud noise_u u_u uホワイト夫婦はもうこれ以上騒音に耐えられなくなりました。

couln't;any longer/any more

what'up?I can't stand the noise out side.It's nearly_u u_u ume mad.


---What's up?---I can't stand the noiseout side.It's nearly()me mad. A.keeping B.turning C.causing D.drivingはどれを選びますか?

D drive sb madはある人を狂わせる。

I asked the young man_u u_u u__u u_u_u u__u_u__u_u_u u_u u_u u(隣に立っている)me what was happening outside.(stand)

to stand by

同前this rock music,please.I frand some people can please cant stand the noise! A.stopping B.stop なぜBを選んだのですか?動詞は主語にならないのではないですか?

Stop thisロックミュージック.

The re re three people in myfamily:my fathermy Mother and I. とThe re are three people in myfamily:my fathermy Mother and me.どの言葉が正しいですか?なぜですか?The are three people in my famile.They are my father,my mother and Iという言葉が正しいですか?

The re re three people in my family:my father、my Mother and Iが正しいです。ここではmy father、my mother and Iが主語になります。だからThe are three people in my famile.They are my father、my mother and Iが違います。充…

noise can make people deaf.この文の中でdeafは形容詞を使って、makeが使役動詞をする時後でmake sb+adj構造を使いますか?

make+n、例えば:make an example、例を挙げます。
makes b+do sth、動詞の原形を使って、ある人に何かをさせます。
make sb+adjは、誰がどうなっているか、make sb crasy、人を狂わせるかなどを表します。

I like to go to the concert with my father.はmy fatherに質問します。 Beijing Opera is very funny.はfunnyに質問します。 I like action movies.action moviesに質問します。

With whom do you like to go to the concert?
How do you think of Beijing Opera?
What kind of movies do you like?

The re are some computters in this schoolを否定文に変えます。

THere aren't any computters in this school.