ウェned five more minutes.(同義文)We ned d_u_________________minutes

ウェned five more minutes.(同義文)We ned d_u_________________minutes

another five

we need another week to finish the work.否定文に変更w we need another week to finish the work.否定文weに変更しました。another week to finish the work二つの空です。

A\needn't+V(情態動詞を作る)=have no need to+V
B\dot need to+V(行動動詞)
この問題のneedは行為動詞として「必要」があるので、don't needを書きます。

I need another 10 minutes to finish the job類義語変換 Iネドドドドドドドドドドドminutes to finish the jobは毎回空いています。

I need ten more minutes to finish the job

I will go home after I finish the work(同意文) I__う_u u_ugo home me_u_u u uI finish the work

i won`t go home until i finish the work.

I will go home after i finish the work.同義語 i go home i finish the work.

I【won't】go home【until】I finish the work.

l willウォッチtv after_u u_u uマイホームワーク.(finish,to finish,fining,finished)


They must finish the work tomorrow.(受身語に変える)The work()()by the m tomorrow.

The work(must)(be)(finished)by them tomorrow.

英語の翻訳 A No mater how tired you are B No mater how you are tired C No mater how are you tired D No mater you are how tired


you must finish the work_u u_u_u u_u uセブンo'clock this evinng A.by B.until C.to D.in どれを選びますか?なぜですか?原因!

You must finish the work by seven o'clock this evinng.

ザワーク(finish)tomorrowモーニング.Thebook s must_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u u_u u_u u(give)back on time. I think the telephone e_u_u______u_u_u_u u_u u(invent)in 1876. Team may_u_u_u u_u u_u u_u u u_u u u u u_u u u u u u u(inveny)by Shen Nong. 与えられた単語の適当な形で空欄を埋めます。

will be finished
was inventeed
have been inventeed