In the picture there are five앤 투... a 、 sheep 、 foxes b. sheeps, fox c 、 sheeps 、 foxes d 、 sheep 、 fox s

In the picture there are five앤 투... a 、 sheep 、 foxes b. sheeps, fox c 、 sheeps 、 foxes d 、 sheep 、 fox s

sheep 단일 복수 동 형 ~
fox, x 엔 딩 플러스 es ~

how many horses' feet are there in this picture 가 무슨 뜻 이에 요? 빠르다.

이 그림 속 에는 몇 마리 의 말의 발 이 있 습 니까?

There is a children in this picture

단 하나, 홀수 로.

is the difference? this furniture is different from that 'what is the difference?' "this furniture is different from"... A, that 북. B, your. C, that one. D, that D 를 선택해 야 되 는데, furniture 가 셀 수 없 기 때문에 one 을 사용 할 수 없다? 그럼 셀 수 있 는 거 면 this 북 is different from채.. 뭐라고 요? 원? that one? that?

that 는 명 사 를 셀 수 없고 명 사 를 셀 수 있 는 단수 도 대체 할 수 있 으 며 명 사 를 셀 수 있 을 때 는 the one 과 같다.
원 은 명 사 를 대체 할 수 있다.
아래 의 문 제 는 that one 을 사용 할 수 있 습 니 다.

"What is the difference?" "This furniture is different from"Athat B that one". 정 답 은 that.

furniture 셀 수 없 을 것 같은 바 는 사용 할 수 없습니다.
원 했 어.

Please tell the difference between this one and that one. Pleasethis onethat one.

Please distinguish this one from that one.

What is the major difference between D / P and D / A?

D / P 와 D / A 의 차 이 는 D / P 가 반드시 계산 서 를 지불해 야 하 며, 먼저 돈 을 납부 한 후 인수증 을 납부 해 야 한다. 예 를 들 어 은행 이 일방적으로 영수증 을 놓 으 면 책임 은 은행 에 있다. D / A 수입 업 체 가 환어음 에서 XX 를 인수 한 후에 대금 을 지불 하면 인수증 을 받 을 수 있다. 기한 을 넘 기 면 대금 을 지불 하지 않 으 면 은행 은 책임 이 없다.

what is the difference between uk and us? 통역 이 아니 라.

There are vast differences in culture between Americans and thir British Commonwealth Conterparts through out the world.
American English is spoken in the USA, Canada and many Pacific Rim contries where America has exerted an influence.
British English is spoken through out the British Commonwealth of 54 countries, some of the most notable being the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand South Africa, with Canada being theexception. Althoughpart of the Commonwealth,Canadians tend to speak a mixture of American and British English due to that Contry 's proximity to the USA (although the spell the British way).
In the diction ary section, you will see how many words differ comptely beteen the two "languges" This is a virtual "Yank to Limey speak" dictionary - the words are listed in alphabetical order by American English워드 오 르visit the search page to find a specific word or prase.
The driving section examines the differences in driving practices (including an explanation of why Commonwealth countries drive on the left) while the drinking and eating section s explain the very different etiquettes prevant between the to culture.
In the section labeled other, you will find all sorts of miscelleaneous differeness including measurement s, legal driving and driving ages as well as lifestle differences like choice of bedding and even how toilets differ!
The FaQ (freequently asked questions) covers those of ten asked questions about Commonwealthers andAmericans. Questionssuch as why are American 's called Yanks and the English called Limeys, and where does that' bloody 'word come the English use in every sentence?
Funny stuff covers various hilarious situations that can occur because of the differences in languge and culture.
Spelling covers that vast and confusing differences in the ways of spelling the exact same word.
Pronnciation covers the differences in the way Americans and Common wealthers sound certain Words.
Slang is a new section that covers different slang Words in the USA, Britain, Australia and South Africa.
Finally, if you want to know who I am and why I know so much about the difference between American and English culture, go here.

What is the difference beteen infriengement and violation? 제목 그대로 감사합니다. 1 층 형제의 대답 에 나 는 약간 의 미 를 제기 했다. The druken driver was brought to the police station for violation of traffic regulations. The druken driver was brought to the police station for an infriengement of traffice regulations 이 두 문장 은 어떤 차이 가 있 습 니까? The law is an out - and - out infriengement of our civil rights. The idea is to make the statement that violence against Women is a violation of human rights. 이 두 문장 에 각각 infriengment of. rights 와 violation of... rights 를 사 용 했 습 니 다. 그러면 어떤 차이 가 있 습 니까?

이 두 개가 동의어 잖 아 요. 차이 가 아주 미세 하 잖 아 요.
다만 저 는 개인 적 으로 Violation 이 약간 무력 적 이 고 억 지 스 러 운 색 채 를 가지 고 있다 고 생각 합 니 다.

what do you think is the difference between friendship and love? 영어 로 대답 하 세 요.

Love is sth u have for someone u wanna be together with, maybe for a lifetime. u 'll always get sad on the idea of being only friends with him or her. u want more that when u in love with aperson. Andlove is exlusive. u 'll never wanna share with a third person.
Friendship is much less coplicated that love 'cause u can have more than one friend but u can only have onelover. Friendshipcan also be proforund but in a very different way from lovedoes. Ina friendship, u don 't have to think about the future or sth likethat. Everythingis just so Simple.