You can't pass the exam if you don't work hard.=_ _,_ you _ _ _ to pass the exam. Our school held a sports meeting last autumn.=A sports meeting _ _ _ our school last autumn.

You can't pass the exam if you don't work hard.=_ _,_ you _ _ _ to pass the exam. Our school held a sports meeting last autumn.=A sports meeting _ _ _ our school last autumn.

Work hard, or you won't be able to pass the exam.
A sports meeting was hold in our school last autumn.


I think you ____ pass the exam if you work hard. 選項A.can be able B.will be able C.will be able to D.can be able to 如果選擇C,D選項中情態動詞can不是也可以表將來和猜測嗎?



這個是條件句的用法,if 是結果狀語從句,那麼主句的結果是發生在將來.
所以用will be able to do sth結構.

You are s______to pass the exam if you work hard.(填單詞)


If you work hard enough ,you'll pass the exam. 改為祈使句 () hard enough,() you'll pass the exam. 改為同義句 If you () work hard enough,you'll () the exam, 改為同義句 Work hard,() you'll fail the exam,

改為祈使句 (work) hard enough,(and) you'll pass the exam.改為同義句 If you (don't) work hard enough, you'll (not pass) the exam,改為同義句 Work hard,(or) you'll fail the exam,

You are s___ to pass the exam if you work hard. 誰若知道就告訴我,謝謝


You can't pass the exam if you don't work hard .同義句.You can't pass the exam ___ you ____ ___.

unless ,work hard

If you work hard,------you will pass the exam.(對劃線部分提問)

What will happen if you work hard (劃線部分為you will pass the exam)

狀語重句 初2!1. i will pass the exam if i work hard. 1. i will pass the exam if i work hard. i ( )pass the exam( ) i work hard. 2.please come near to me so that you may hear clearly. please come near to me ( ) ( ) ( ) cant't live if there is no water. fish can't live ( )water. fish can't live ( )there is water. 4.he thanked her very much because she helped him a lot. he thanked her very much ( ) ( ) ( )help. 5.the child can't reach the top of the table because he is very short. the child is( )shore ( )reach the top of the table. 6.the man is so strong that he can carry the heavey box. the man is strong ( ) ( )carry the heavy box. 7,chinese is less difficult than maths. chinese is not ( ) difficult( )maths. math is ( )difficult ( )chinese. 同義句轉換///// 幫個忙吧!

1.i will pass the exam if i work hard.i (won't)pass the exam(unless) i work hard.2.please come near to me so that you may hear clearly.please come near to me (to) (heat) (clearly) cant't live i...

work hard,____ you will fail the exam.a.but b work hard,____ you will fail the exam.a.but c.or

c.or 否則

If you don't study hard,you will fail in the exam(同義句) If you don't study hard,you won't be () to () the exam.

If you don't study hard,you won't be (able) to ( pass) the exam
【解析】: be able to do = succeed in doing = manage to do 成功地做成...
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