i don,t think it will rain tomorrow,----- ------?

i don,t think it will rain tomorrow,----- ------?

will it

''I think it will not rain tomorrow.'' 和 ''I don't think it will rain tomorrow''.那一句是正確的?

I don't think .

don"t you think it will rain tomorrow,( ) it?

Don"t you think it will rain tomorrow,( will ) it?
帶有 think ,believe 等詞的句子,構成反義疑問句時
附加疑問句部分的主語根據從句決定,即 it,肯定還是否定根據主句來決定
主句是 否定,所以附加疑問句部分 為肯定,即“前否後肯”.

You don't think it will rain.反意疑問句 第三人稱怎麼改啊?

You don't think it will rain,do you?
如果是第三人稱就用He doesn't think it will rain,does he?
如果是第一人稱I don't think it will rain,will it?

Do you think it will rain tomorrow? — It hasn't rained for a whole month!It's too dry. A.I hope so B.I hope not C.I'm sure it will D.I'm afraid it will 說清楚點

【答案】A.I hope so 我也希望這樣
【解釋】A.I hope so 我也希望這樣
It hasn't rained for a whole month!It's too dry.
A.I hope so 我也希望這樣
B.I hope not 我不希望這樣
C.I'm sure it will 我確定
D.I'm afraid it will 恐怕會下雨的


Do you think he will go to the zoo tomorrow?

I will go to the zoo.怎麼變一般疑問句

Will you go to the zoo?

I don't believe they can pass the exam,_______? A.do you B.can you C.can they D.can't they

C 反意疑問句 當陳述部分為主從複合句時,疑問部分一般應與主句保持一致:He said that he didn’t like it,didn’t he?他說他不喜歡它,是不是?He knows where I live,doesn’t he?他知道我住什麼地方,是不是?2.當陳...

I study hard so that I can pass the exam改為I study hard _____ ______ _____pass the exam

in order to
so as to

同意句轉換 They are studying so hard that they can pass the exam They are studying hard to pass the exam

They are studying hard ( in order )to pass the exam