I will do what I can to help you .為什麼是to help.

I will do what I can to help you .為什麼是to help.

TO表目的,此句改為To help you ,I will ...為了幫你,我會做我能做的,這樣就好理解了

從所給的選項中選擇適當的句子補全對話.1.Do you think that will help? 從所給的選項中選擇適當的句子補全對話. 1.Do you think that will help? 2.That's true. 3.You are wrong. 4.How long have you had the problem? 5.What's the trouble,Mike? 6.Good idea! 7.All right,doctor.I'll try it. A:() B:Well doctor.It's my eyes.I can't see clearly. A:() B:Since last week ,I think A:Let me have a look.OH,Mike.I guess you are working too hard these days and taking care of your eyes. B:()What should I do then? A:Weel,When you feel tired,just stop working and come out to enjoy a short rest.Remember,never go to bed too late and don't read in bed. B:() A:Sure,Mike. B:()Thank you very much 這段話是什麼意思麻煩也翻譯一下.

從所給的選項中選擇適當的句子補全對話.1.Do you think that will help?2.That's true.3.You are wrong.4.How long have you had the problem?5.What's the trouble,Mike?6.Good idea!7.All right,doctor.I'll try i...

i will do what we can to help you 這句話中what we can( do)後面這個do 為什麼可以省略呢

因為前面出現了一次,為了避免重複,再者如果出現what we can一般人都知道省略了do

【初二英語】 I will do what I can to help you .what I can為什麼是做do的賓語?do其後是一個賓語從句啊!也就是這個句子都是賓語了為什麼要充當do的賓語?況且我不知道為什麼是to help..

what I can do 就是I will do 的賓語從句,to help是一個表目的的句子,例如“I will rease money to help the homeless people.”我將存錢用來幫助無家可歸的人,跟這裡的to help是一個用意.我知道的就只有這麼多了,希望能幫到你

( ) can you say for you i want to make sure what happened A:why B:what other C:what ese D:what 選擇······· 儘快········準確·········

What else.

英語翻譯 順便回答下,用英文

Tell him to hold his breath and lie down on the ground in order to pretend to be dead.

英語翻譯 我不清楚是什麼使這件事變成這樣的? 這樣翻譯對嗎?

I am not sure what to make of that .我不確定那事應該理解成什麼.關鍵詞彙說明:make of :用…做成;理解;明白;使某人發展成為 由於這個句子缺乏具體的語言環境,翻譯結果也是多種多樣的,你說的翻譯成:“我不清...

英語翻譯 翻譯一個句子 make sure they know that can come to you no matter what happens and that you will always help them. 電腦翻譯絕對不準,求人工翻譯 .


Tell me what I should I do to loving you


Could you tell me ___ with the money?A hou to do B what should I do C how should I do D what I should do

how to do