Please listen to them _____about people they admire.

Please listen to them _____about people they admire.

listen tosb.doingsth.聽某人正在做某事
talk about談論

They know a lot about animals,but they want to know_______about them.A.many B.much C.more D.some ①They know a lot about animals,but they want to know_______about them. A.many B.much C.more D.some ②Walk into your bedroom_______because your father is sleeping. A.quiet B.quietly C.loud D.loudly ③The pair of socks_____very nice. A.look B.looks looking D.are looking ④Where______you a moment ago? A.are C.were D.was 一Jim is good at PE.(改為同義句) Jim_______ _______in PE. 二秋天是北京最好的季節.(漢譯英) It's the_______ ________in autumn in Beijing. John和朋友於春天的某一天在野外遊玩,請以“A Happy Day in Spring”為題寫一篇50詞左右的文章。

does well
best time

please let them worry,they want to worry.翻譯

please let them worry:請讓他們擔心
they want to worry:他們願意擔心.

be sure to do和be sure of doing的區別 be sure to do和be sure of doing的意義有什麼不同

be sure to do一般指別人認為主語可以做某事
be sure of doing一般指主語自己認為可以做到某事
You're sure to win the competition.
I'm sure of passing the exam.

be sure+從句/be sure to do sth /be sure of sth/doing sth有什麼區別嗎?

I'm sure that he came to school early.
而sure of doing就是簡單表達“我確定幹什麼”.
I'm sure of coming to school early.

誰能用be sure to do sth.造句啊 要稍微難一點的,有點水准的

You are sure to come here on time.

(1/2)Waiting to do something until you can be sure of doing it exactly r


Waiting to do sth until you can be sure of doing it exactly right means waiting for ever~翻譯


be able to的用法

(1)be able to強調通過努力而獲得的能力,而can則強調自身已具有的能力.如:
She can sing the song in English.她能用英語唱這首歌.
He will be able to sing this song in English in a few minutes,too.幾小時之後,他也能用英語唱這首歌.
(2)be able to強調一種結果,而can只強調一種可能.如:
Luckily,he was able to escape from the big fire in the end.幸運的是,他終於逃出了大火.
If he got here a few hours earlier,I could save him.要是他早幾小時來,我還能救他.
(3)be able to可以有各種時態;而can只有一般現在和一般過去兩種時態.如:
I could help you last night,but you didn’t come.昨天晚上我能幫你,而你又沒來.
Can you see it there?你能看見它在那兒嗎?
He is / was / will be able to help you.他能幫你的忙
Will you be able to camera the lecture tomorrow?你明天能把講座錄下來嗎?
I'm sorry I haven't been able to answer your letter in time.真對不起我沒能及時給你回信.
Ps:指過去某時或某個時刻設法做成某事,不用could,而用was\were able to.
I talked with her for a long time,and eventually I was able to make her believe me.我談了很久,最終還是使她相信了我的話.
(4)can可用於表示可能性,推測,允許等情况,而be able to通常不這樣用.
You are able to use my pen.(誤)
You can use my pen.(正)
(5)can有被動語態,主語為人或物皆可,而be able to只接不定式的主動形式,不接表示被動的不定式,也不可用無生命的名詞作主語.例如:
The work is able to be done by him.(誤)
He is able to do the work.(正)

be able to的用法

(1)be able to強調通過努力而獲得的能力,而can則強調自身已具有的能力.如:
She can sing the song in English.她能用英語唱這首歌.
He will be able to sing this song in English in a few minutes,too.幾小時之後,他也能用英語唱這首歌.
(2)be able to強調一種結果,而can只強調一種可能.如:
Luckily,he was able to escape from the big fire in the end.幸運的是,他終於逃出了大火.
If he got here a few hours earlier,I could save him.要是他早幾小時來,我還能救他.
(3)be able to可以有各種時態;而can只有一般現在和一般過去兩種時態.如:
I could help you last night,but you didn’t come.昨天晚上我能幫你,而你又沒來.
Can you see it there?你能看見它在那兒嗎?
He is / was / will be able to help you.他能幫你的忙
Will you be able to camera the lecture tomorrow?你明天能把講座錄下來嗎?
I'm sorry I haven't been able to answer your letter in time.真對不起我沒能及時給你回信.
Ps:指過去某時或某個時刻設法做成某事,不用could,而用was\were able to.
I talked with her for a long time,and eventually I was able to make her believe me.我談了很久,最終還是使她相信了我的話.
(4)can可用於表示可能性,推測,允許等情况,而be able to通常不這樣用.
You are able to use my pen.(誤)
You can use my pen.(正)
(5)can有被動語態,主語為人或物皆可,而be able to只接不定式的主動形式,不接表示被動的不定式,也不可用無生命的名詞作主語.例如:
The work is able to be done by him.(誤)
He is able to do the work.(正)