He is working hard and ______ will make him pass the final exam.A which B for which C it D that 每個選項最好都說一下,說得讓人明白一點

He is working hard and ______ will make him pass the final exam.A which B for which C it D that 每個選項最好都說一下,說得讓人明白一點

A 不對,which做定語從句,前面不能加and連詞
C it不能代替前面的內容
D that 代填前面內容

He failed his exam,_ proves that he wasn't working hard ebough. A.what B.of which C.which D.this 想問問C不可以選麼?

答案應該選C ,
兩個句子直接必須有and ,如果有and ,D 才可以正確,因為,這個句子本身語態不對,應該是 proved.
如果非要選個答案,那就是C ,用which 一點問題也沒有.

He doesn't study English hard.i ___ he ___pass the English exam. A don't believe , can B believed ,can't C believed, can D don't believe , can't 謝謝 我很急

A don't believe ,can 英語的否定是在前面

she studied hard in order to pass the exam =she studied hard __ __ she could pass the exam

she studied hard in order to pass the exam =she studied hard _so that _ __ she could pass
the exam
so that 以便 ...為了.後接目的狀語從句 in order that 也可以

she studied hard in order to pass the exam,怎麼改為同義句

1.she hard studies in order to pass examination
2.The pass the of the order to of the she studied hard in exam

She studied hard to pass the final exam.

She studied hard to pass the final exam.

he studied very hard( )he could pass the exam A.in order that B.in order to C.so as to D.because

A.in order that 為了

if i english exam pass ,i will buy Laptop computer If my English exam get 70 points,I will buy Laptop computer. 這兩句有錯誤嗎

都差一點,二樓應是passes,三樓忘了a laptop computer.
If my english exam passes,I would buy a laptop computer.
If I got 70 points in my english exam,I would buy a laptop computer.

Lynn ___(不走運)because she didnt pass the exam.

was unlucky

Sandy is very happy,because she ___(pass) the English exam

Sandy is very happy,because she has passed___(pass) the English exam.