Study hard,or you will fail in the examを同義語STUDY hard,___uあなたのウィル-the exam

Study hard,or you will fail in the examを同義語STUDY hard,___uあなたのウィル-the exam

others wise、fail
or=otherswiseさもなければ、fail in the exam=fail the exam試験は不合格です。

You will fail in the English exam if you don`t study hard. _う呷or you`ll fail in the English eaxm.

Studiy hard

You may fail the exam if you don't workハーレー.Youmay fail the exam_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u_u u u_u u_u u u_u u u_u u u u同義語.

You may fail the exam if you don't work hard.の同義語は、You may fail the exam unless you work hardです。

You will fail the test if you don't work hard.withoutを簡単な文に変えます。

You will fail the test without hard working.

You will fail the test again if you don't study hard.=You will fail the test again-you-hard.


YOU will fail unless you work hard 翻訳を求める


You will success unless you work hard.文法の誤りがありますか? もし修正してください


You will achieve nothing unless you work hard.翻訳


Work hard,or you'll behind others.(ifガイドを含む条件語従文の複合文に変える)

If you don't work hard,you'll fall behind others.

bill must studyhard.others wisehe will fail in the exmination.簡単な文を連接して、副詞付きの主従複合文に連結します。

ビルウィルfail in the examation unless he studies hard.
If Bill doesn't work hard,he will fail in the examation.