She found her bike where she lost it . Analyze the sentence where she lost it Can it be subdivided? Is she lost it a small clause

She found her bike where she lost it . Analyze the sentence where she lost it Can it be subdivided? Is she lost it a small clause

She lost it is not a clause in this sentence because there is no correlation word where

Select and analyze: she found her calculator_____ she lost it. A.where B. when which D.that

She found the calculator where she had lost it

She found her lost pure_____ she had! She found her lost purse._____ she had! A What a good luck B What good luck C How good luck D How good the luck

Answer: B
According to the rule of "what is followed by a noun", the correct answer is B

She is happy because she found her lost purse She is happy because she _______ (found )her lost purse Is it found or has found I think it's been found Do you have any grammar for this problem

She was glad that her purse had been found
It was the wallet that was found
The formula of the passive voice is semi - modal verb + verb past tense

She found her lost dog quite by chance It's totally accidental. Can we use all instead of quiet?

The answer is NO.You can say the following:She found her lost dog only by chance.-- OKShe found her lost dog purely by chance.-- OKShe found her lost dog absolutely by chance.-- OKShe found her lost d...

She will never forget her stay there____ she found her son who had gone missing two years before. Athat Bwhich Cwhere Dwhen

Choose D
For her stay, she is an adjective followed by a noun
Then, there are only time adverbial when and place adverbial where

She 'll never forget her stay there___ she fould her son who had gone missing two years before. I choose when the answer is where. The teacher said that there has already indicated the place. I think it is strange that there is a better explanation? I'm sorry for the wrong number. The answer is when the teacher said that there has already indicated the place, so there is no place. I think it's strange. Is there a better explanation?

She found her son in the time she stayed, so she used when to guide her
Teachers wish you progress!
Hope to adopt, thank you^_^

She’ll never forget her stay there _____ she found her son who had gone missing two years

Where attributive clause modifies there

I don't know how to treasure when I lost he I find he were valuable.But it is too late!I just love

Once I didn't know how to cherish, when I lost him, I realized his importance. But I regret it! It's all because of love~
This is free translation, not literal translation

she found an was full of treasure she found an She found an island - was full of measures

Fill in full of; this question mainly tests the combined sentences, the main phrases and words should not change, so fill in full of is the most appropriate
It's not suitable to fill in with with, because with treats doesn't mean "full of gold and silver"
In addition, be full of and be filled with are synonyms, sometimes they can be replaced with each other, but this question is about the combination of sentences, and it is most appropriate to fill in full of
Look at my answer so seriously. Give it to me~