She didn't teach anything this more

She didn't teach anything this more

Nothing was eaten by her this morning.

Jenny didn't buy anything

Jenny bought nothing .
Jenny has not bought anything .

She didn't tell me anything According to this requirement: she () me ()

She tell me nothing.

Is there anything_ in today's newspaper.

Fill in new
What's new in today's newspaper?
There is no fixed answer to this question. As long as it can modify anything, interest, new, terrible and so on can be used It's just a different translation

As a teenager, there was nothing I like As a teenager ,there was nothing I liked better than Sunday afternoons on my grandfather's……………… Who has the original text

Answer 26-30 bcbad 31-35 ccadc 36-40 bdbac 41-45baddas a child, there was nothing I like better than Sunday afternoons at my grandfather's farm.Surrounded by miles of winding stone walls,the house pro...

There is or there are Fill in the blanks with there is or there are (______) a problem with my ticket? (______) any aisle seats available. (______) a stopover in Frankfurt. (______) any flights to Zurich tonight? For example: it's a very small airport (there are't) any shops in the terminal

(__ Is there____) a problem with my ticket?
(_ There aren't_____) any aisle seats available.
(___ There is ___) a stopover in Frankfurt.
(__ Are there____) any flights to Zurich tonight?

She didn't go there() A.No more longer She didn't go there() A.No more longer C.any more?

Select C.any more
She didn't go there any more is equal to she no longer go there
A. No more
B. No longer in the middle
She doesn't come here any more
If you are satisfied with my reply
The friends who ask questions on the mobile phone can comment on "satisfied" on the client

I didn't find the maths interest I___ maths___ . I fround that maths___ ___ interesting.

I_ found__ maths__ boring_.
I fround that maths__ is_ _ not__ interesting.

I didn't find it intervening___ . I find it didn't interfere yes or no!

so boring

My granny didn't find her way home yesterday

My granny failed to find her way home yesterday
My granny got lost when he was trying to get home yesterday