Is the object of "my mother boy me some books" Is the object of this sentence "me"

Is the object of "my mother boy me some books" Is the object of this sentence "me"

This sentence has two objects, which refer to people as indirect objects and objects as direct objects

Some books are to be tasted,others are to be swallowde,and some few to be chewed and digested;that Some books are to be tasted,others are to be swallowde,and some few to be chewed and digested;that is,some books are to be read only in parts;others to be read,but not curiously;and some few to be read wholly;and with diligence and attention

Some books can be tasted, some can be swallowed, and some should be chewed and digested slowly

I am going to send him some books, to

The to at the back is not needed
I am going to send him some books.
I'll mail him some books
I am going to send some books to him

Some knot down and tried to gather it in their hands, but most of it ran through their fingers

Some people kneel down and want to hold them in their hands, but many slip away at their fingertips
The more someone cares about doing something, the more likely it will have the opposite effect, just like holding sand in your hand, the more tightly you hold it, the faster it leaks

nothing but、anything but、 everything but 、something but 、all but It's better to have an example

I eat nothing but an egg
I can eat anything but eggs
The difference between everything and anything is that everything usually refers to big things, while anything usually refers to one or a small part of things
I can eat something but there are many things I can eat that I can't eat, but there are a lot of things that I can't eat
All but is the same as everything but. All is more colloquial and everything is more formal

Something anything everything nothing Please explain in detail. Sometimes I think I use something but I use anything? Why,

In general, something is used in affirmative sentences, anything is used in negation and doubt. When someone is politely asked what to eat and drink, something should be used

What's the difference between nothing, something, anything, everything?

Nothing is nothing, something is something, anything is something in a question, everything is anything

The meaning and usage of everything anything nothing something

Everything is used in declarative sentences
Anything, anything, used in negative or interrogative sentences, not... Anything = nothing
In a negative sentence, something is emphasized or friendly to others

Some, anything, everything, nothing

There is something wrong with you. Do you have a

_____ the box there is nothing but a piece of paper? Tom didn't help mother with housework, but he does now_____ mother with housework.)

In the box there is nothing but a piece of paper.
Tom has started to help mother with housework.