Night, at, always, to, goes, she, bed, late

Night, at, always, to, goes, she, bed, late

Should be
She always goes to bed late at night.
She always stays up late at night

Bus work by she to goes

She goes to work by bus.
She goes to work by bus

She always goes to the movies_____ she always_____ to the movies

Does she always_ Go_ to the movies?
It's empty

She always goes to school by bus Synonymous sentence modification

she always takes bus to go to school

She goes to the park every Sunday 2. Zhu Hui like his host family a lot Zhu Hui likes his host family ----- ------. It's 9:00 New York It's ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- in New York.

1.on Sundays
2.very much.
3.nine o'clock in the afternoon

She often goes to the zoo on Sunday? The picture is a park with a zoom on it

when does she often go to zoo?
where does she often go to hang out on Sunday?

There is no post office next to the police station emergency

Classmate, I'm glad to answer your question
First of all, correct your spelling mistakes. Police office police station means police office
There( )( )post office( )( )police office.
Correct answer: isn't a, next to
There (isn't) (a) post office (next) (to) police office
There is no post office next to the police station
No is the negative form of the sentence pattern there be, next to, next to
If you don't understand, please keep asking,

Where is your English teacher She ___ the office. A.has B.has been to C.has been in going to

Where is your English teacher ? She ___ the office.
She is going to the office.

She told me to talk in English that evening

That night she told me to communicate in English

Post the office next to is it

It is next to the post office