Wei what is it _ IT is a box Change to a plural sentence

Wei what is it _ IT is a box Change to a plural sentence

what are they? thay are boxes.

What is this it is a photo

What are these?
These are photos.
Ask again if you don't understand

--What is this? -- it is a bus? Zero

what are these?they are buses

What's this? It's a box

-What are these?
-They are boxes.

This is a box

These are boxes.

(this is a

1.These are boxes.
2.These're boxes.

there is nothing in the box,_________ How to write interrogative sentences

is it
Because there is the negative word nothing in front of it

There is nothing else in the fridge there ______ ______ ________ in the fridge

There isn't anything else in the fridge .

There is nothing else in the fridge = the fridge is()

The fridge is empty.

there is nothing else in the fridgr.there is _____ _____ _____ In the fridge

there is ___ not__ __ anything___ _ else____ in the fridge .
I hope I can help you