__what is it _IT is a box 改為複數句

__what is it _IT is a box 改為複數句

what are they?thay are boxes.

What is this It is a photo.變為複數形式

What are these?
These are photos.

--What is this?--It is a bus.改為複數是什麼? 0.0

what are these?they are buses

what's this?It's a box.怎麼改成複數形式?下麵幾題也說下就是

-What are these?
-They are boxes.

This is a box.改為複數形式

These are boxes.

1.This is a box.(改為複數形式)this’s a boxs.

1.These are boxes.
2.These're boxes.

there is nothing in the box,_________?的翻譯疑問句怎麼寫

is it

there is nothing else in the fridge改為同義句 there ______ ______ ________in the fridge

There isn't anything else in the fridge .

There is nothing else in the fridge =The fridge is().同義句

The fridge is empty.

there is nothing else in thefridgr.thereis _____ _____ _____in the fridge(同義句轉換)

there is ___not__ __anything___ _else____in the fridge .