i believe——that you will succeed(firm堅定的)

i believe——that you will succeed(firm堅定的)

i believe firmly that you will succeed.

請問,I am confident that I will .算比較native的用法麼

我覺得用i have the confidence更native哦~

so I am confident that I will be successful 這是結果狀語從句吧,為什麼so寫在開頭了,不是應該寫在confident前面嗎,這麼個寫法是什麼意思,可以這麼寫嗎


英語連詞成句if go you a to will have the party you great time

If you go to the party,you will have a great time.


He says that he will write a letter soon.

英語連詞成句what be will the you guess like future in

You guess what will be in the future


Would you like to be in a book like that?

We are sure that we will win in the game.的同義句是什麼 如We are sure _____ _____in the game.

to win

we are sure that we will win(同義句)we are sure __ __ __in the game

of the success

we are sure that we will win in the game同義句轉化 We are sure()()in the game

用be sure of後跟名詞或代名詞!