Is she from Canada?I'm not sure.合併為一句 I’m not sure_______she__________from Canada. 怎麼填?

Is she from Canada?I'm not sure.合併為一句 I’m not sure_______she__________from Canada. 怎麼填?

if is

I am not sure whether she is right or not對的吧


…that she is sure to succeed是什麼意思


英語翻譯 I have nothing to prove to you I have nothing to lose but you 就是這句話


I have nothing to wear to the party!英文翻譯


why!i have nothing to confess()that you want me to say a、What is it that b、What it is that 為什麼選A

這裡的what is it是一個句子,而後面的that you want me to say是一個定語從句,修飾it.該從句前面的句子的語序是不需要改變的,還應該是疑問句的語序.

求檔案:英語翻譯if youventure nothing,you will have nothing


I have nothing()to do at that time,SO I am going to hus party括弧裏要用i打頭

I have nothing(important重要的)to do at that time,SO I am going to hus party

everyone is sure that she will win這句話中的she will win是什麼成分?賓語從句是充當賓語成分的,可是 我原本也是以為只有動詞可以帶賓語的。如果形容詞可以帶賓語,那麼這就是雙賓了,可以理解成賓語從句了。呵呵偶也不想烦乱的,現在在做老師,怕被學生問的啞口無言了


she dresses like that__everyone will notice her. A when B so that C in order to D after 這個句子是目的狀語從句嗎?那為什麼選B而不選C,C也可以用在目的狀語從句裏啊?

in order to後面不能接從句吧
如果用in order to可以這麼說
she dresses like that in order to get everyone's notice.