I will travel around the world ______the money A:by B:on C:in D:with

I will travel around the world ______the money A:by B:on C:in D:with


Sandy would like to travel around the world對travel around the world提問

應該是what would Sandy like to do?
travel around the world是全球旅行之意,即提問做什麼事如果提問around the world是地點提問用where would Sandy like to travel

do you like grapes?是yes,I like,還是yes,I do.

Yes,I do.

1.Tom,do you like the shirt?Yes,I like it verymuch.Mydad will buy ____for me. A.it B.that C.one 2.The whites are ____New York next week. A.leaving for B.leaving

解釋:leave for前往某地

can you tell me how you study for a big test同義句can you tell me __ __ __for a big test 在做題中…急謝

how to study

can you tell me how I can study for a test?同意句can you tell me -------------study for a test

how to

告訴我們你是怎樣為考試學習..Tell us how you study for a test.(用英語說) 用英語說(5條)需自己寫.不許用任何翻譯器. 好的話加分的說~

I listen to the teacher carefully.I discuss the problem with my classmates.I do some special exercises.I learn the important points by heart.I try my best to finish the paper,and get ready for the nex…

can you tell me how you study for a big teat?


How do you usually study for a test?I study_________. A.with seeing English-language videos B.with watching English-language videos C.to watching English-language videos D.by watching English-language videos

watch videos

He sure is.和Sure we will. 在八年級下英語書(人教版)P76頁: ----He`s really good,isn`t he? ----He sure is← 在九年級上英語書(人教版)P128頁: ----Can you tell me how you study for a big test? ----Sure!Yes.Surewe will. 為什麼sure位置不同?請求具體準確的語法講解~
